Upcoming War Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Aug 22, 2012.

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  1. So spy builds are screwed. Since the tactic for them is to pin themselves and fight from DTW.
  2. Gold won from a successful hit on an opponent could be calculated from total wealth (gold as well as bunkered items from the market). This would eliminate the bunkering of gold, as a rampaging army would certainly take everything of value they could get, be it gold, potions, or mithril... Maybe even epic items! 
  3. I tried to read all threat through before posting but only got to page13. Apologies if there's any repetition.

    I can't see much problem with the changes, and I'm not surprised it has come now after the summer war semi-final scout fest.

    Rewards, war events, estoc's edge and tourney's are just add-ons from the devs. There is no change to mechanics, nobody HAS to tale part so if you don't like it don't do it. They're just adding another dimension. Although estoc's edge is great to slow down clan hopping (something else that is complained about by YOU GUYS, the players and the devs have listened!)

    The strategy is interesting.

    Locked quests...

    "you can't hit me Mr. Enemy because I am in the middle of a quest"

    Wouldn't work in a real war so why should it on here? If you can't focus your troops on a war, don't be in one.

    Removing DTW.

    There is currently no dtw on spies, you can be zero'd and still be hit. Attack builds have the "benefit" of being able to continually hit whilst being safe from incoming.
    Contrary to some posts, this actually removes an advantage that attack builds have.

    I, personally, hope that the "0" troop forfeit of being unable to hit will also apply to spies, although the devs have been unclear. But either way will make war more tactical.

    The reward for pinning an opponent works. If you are losing the war and co-ordinate a strike to pin multiple guys on the other side, the plunder lost could change the outcome dramatically. The fact that this can also be changed by outside hits is another new dimension. Never before has a clan had the opportunity to affect another clan's war! Now you can.

    The only addition I would hope to see is a way for financial reward to be brought back to system wars, without the ability for pw to get back. I'd rather have mithril on occasional sale with no warning and gold reward from a war than the current system.

    Some of the best wars I've been in were based on trying to pin your opponent and fighting from full troops. Making sure they failed when they tried rather than spend the duration not giving them the chance to hit. To me this is a much harder tactic to achieve than simply hitting a quest or another player to stay pinned.

    Bring it on, I say, and let's see how good you really are!
  4. The only way to make it fun is if you dun spend money trying to hasten a process that is suppose to be fun. Good for you if you hv bought any packs cos without you, i wun be playing this game today... Cheers to all the rich gamers out there!!! 
  5. Awsome but haven't got a home clan any more
  6. Ok seen a few people who criticised a similar thread and removing DTW praise this one that removes DTW in war. Bang goes the turtling tactic dumbing down the game ?? Guess the stupid noobs did have a clue as one person said lol.

    Some good ideas from devs but easy to abuse these proposals and have a clan disadvantaged for the entire war. In fact you could win this essentially on opening tactics if the family is big enough.

    Locking hits between warring clans would remedy this, the same as summer wars tournaments.

    I like the rewards. It will help all clans that fight in wars and make people belong to clans rather than chase about. Good for team building if a clan has to work together rather than just hit ebs.

    Easy drops will reduce wasted time in ebs as will plunder help all grow and upgrade faster if they can win a war.

    Another incentive for warring has to be good.
    Not perfect but it puts good ideas forward.

    Partially support.

    But killing player until 50% regen  that's gotta be funny. Maybe battle list that one too. Plus bonus drops random from battle list or x amount of attacks of each type earns xtals 1000= 1 xtal 2000= 2 3000= 3 and so on maybe up to a limit of 5 per 000's

    Oh and easier for clans to help a sleeping member grab an hour as pinning will be so much easier. Stay awake tho lol.
  7. This is gonna be FUNN 
  8. Sssso from turtle wars to xtal wars?...

    Some ideas have good reasoning behind them, like finally turning clans from eb whore houses into a place of gathering for loyal members. Killing off turtle wars...but the methods are questionable and need lots of work.

    Only way I can imagine fighting sys wars with described mechs is xtaling. To avoid an opposed clan ganging up on you as soon as you get to 50% (find out regen time, wait 30min and hit - not hard) - xtal prior to getting to 50% will make sense to change regen time and earn plunder off some opposed player with troops up. Requires strategy thinking but Makes some people avoid participating for the financial reasons. Bottom line, more money you can spend in Kaw store, more successful you are.

    Also the clan bonus may Make a gap between bigger nobbed up clans unbeatable by smaller and not so rich but dedicated clans..that will be said as money should not be before the skill.

    Most changes will make a difference between smaller players and bigger players even more evident. I thought making this difference as small as possible was the goal, coming from previous KA posts.

    Hansels will be a drag down for any clan that is warring. If they have nothing to pin on and enemy has no hansels or they are pinned, they will become most wanted targets and a plunder makers for the other side. Pinning hansel troops on atk builds is a waste of plunder that could be earned off those attk builds.

    I'm glad it is being posted as suggestions at this point, I really hope some advanced testing is done prior to releasing any major changes like that. I don't care for beta testing badge, but I'm whiling to have my accounts participate in testing, as long as changes are targeting improving of the game, not making it the game for rich only.

    Also, high activity is great but there's gotta be ways of not making Kaw a life and it sounds like this may be the result of described changes.
  9. Yay... More war... Sounds like fun to me.. And better chance to get items to.....
  10. I like all of those, and would support their implementation. I would also like to see the war tax at 20% again, the removal of mith as war reward (just sell it), and making the reward gold again. However, the gold reward should pay out like an EB (not necessarily that high a reward though). If you make the reward based on your specific actions, and independent of war tax or plunder totals, that would prevent pw's occurring again. Also plunder reward could vary depending on prestige of opponent.
  11. I like the idea of the new update

    But my concern is the gold payout, currently you spend 23, 940, 000 on pots for a big attack only to get 62mil first hit. So basically you're only gaining 39, 000, 000. And it gets less after each hit, what if the payout for hitting an opponent would increase? (without estoc's edge) even for battle list hits that would encourage war an hitting people instead of eb. Just a thought 
  12. Payout per action would certainly help. And xtalling to break the cycle of 50% regen is easy but still way open to abuse could be good.
    Reports of hits received and done at the end of war would help clans see activity of members and a clan only hits going out like epic battle hit screen would help clans see activity too though a well co-ordinated clan should not need this feature. Noobs would certainly benefit.

    And I still think various war length options would be productive with tier rewards. 4 hr 4% plunder increase 12% for 12 hour whatever just a suggestion that needs feedback. But more clans would sign up if wars were various lengths and the incentive would be highest for those that do the longer and bigger wars
  13. I don't quite understand why the shift from 20% to 50% all I can see happening is an increase in the number of DTW messages I get because I now have to wait 30mins for someone to come out of pin instead of 10mins. If you want to stop people from self pinning then by all means don't allow either outgoing or incomming actions but why raise the point at which they open up again?

    Something that isn't clear is does this 50% DTW rule apply to both troops and spies independantly, both at once, troops only or spies only?

    For example:
    If my troops are taken to 0% am I unable to perform any actions (including spy actions) until they regen to 50%?
    If my spies are taken to 0% am I able to be attacked and attack others or am I out for half an hour until my spies regen?
    Do you have to take both troops and spies on an oppenent to 0% before they DTW?

    One thing is for sure... crystal sales won't be adversly effected ;)

    EDIT: Another oddity is that you say you want to have people focus everything on the war, this is the reason you remove the ability to quest. However, a player outside the war can pin you not only reducing your abity to make gold but also making you lose a percentage of your plunder total. It doesn't seem like this would encourage people to focus everything on the war and ignore the outside hitters.

    I am also unable to see why you would make successful spy actions annonymous but if I am able to assassinate an opponent to zero troops you will send them a message telling them who it was.

    MORE EDIT: I hope some of these weekly war events will be held during the week rather than at the weekend so that all have the oppertunity to take part. I noticed someone else saying that the start times should vairy and couldn't agree more.
  14. This is great I cant wait to do this New war system i miss the old one. But now it looks better then ever. LOL now all i got to do is finish upgrading my T4s to Lvl 3
  15. Nobody is understanding the pinning mechanics . The devs said that when you reach 0 troops you lose your plunder plus get your clan in trouble so what's the point of pinning yourself now????? It just all matters on teamwork and reliable strong members who make strategies and fight like man
  16. If out of war players are allowed to interfere with ongoing wars, that changes the entire dynamic of the war. I foresee major issues with that.
  17. Only problem I see is that outsiders shouldn't be able to interfere cause it will make it to where one clan could end up facing multiple clans and that's just not fair
  18. I finally got the reply button, ugh.
    As for my opinion, im liking the war bit and all of your changes except for outside hitting, because wouldnt only a few people join the war and just have the rest of the clan hit? That way the small to medium members wont get to 0% and ruin the plunder for the entire clan. So i think outside hits shouldnt be allowed still, but thats just my opinion. The other thing to is if a clan member in the war gets taken to zero, the clan should lose money based on that members size, that way their not just farming the small guys.

    I hope youll understand my points and treat them with concern or something. Loving everything else though. :)
  19. I don't understand something. In war we can take a player to 0 troops but they can't hit or be hit until 50%. Makes no sense to me, unless your increasing the dtw from 20% to 50%, which is just a bad idea. Well a bad idea for the game, a good idea if your promotion xstal usage to get out from the 50%.
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