Upcoming War Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Aug 22, 2012.

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  1. Side winder. You have a point, but most wars, everyone likes to be pinned. So we'll be stuck at 50%, open to all
  2. I simply want to see how much money everyone loses.. Sort of a profit and loss at end war, not just how much plunder they won 
  3. @ wargorrila , hansels and spies were not meant to be in this game , you guys selected that build and become hansels at your own risk so just face the consequences . The thing in this update is not to get DOWN TO 0 troops because it will send a notification to your clan members and your PLUNDER will be decreased . This update will force players to keep troops always high so they don't get pawned to 0 as it will cost them their plunder
  4. Lol all my mains have 1 land free in lowlands and I build a stable or something cheap so I can choose whether I want to hit /pin or drop, bank cash.
  5. My opin is to receive more gold than is used in pots PLUS continue same (double) mith so u end up way AHEAD like a kingdom that sacks another. Wohoo - makes the toes tubgle to war! 
  6. Toes tingle - lol
  7. It basically turns a system war to osw
  8. @Brainiac.

    That's false, are you saying everyone should be a cookie-cutter attack build?

    Just because a majority of players are attack builds doesn't mean spy builds were never meant to be in this game. It's just a different build, the point of the game is to get a build that works for you.
  9. Also, players can't be "forced" to keep their troops high...? If you get hit, you get hit... Unless you crystal, there's no way to stop that...
  10. These all are great ideas, I'd love to see how these are introduced though
  11. The worst change was; you can't hit back until 50% . Dumb. Please don't
  12. I do like the idea of hitting while they are pinned, and that they can not self pin on quests. But I think if you regen some troops you should be able to use them.
  13. Being able of hitting from under pin was terrible. It's great if devs get us rid of these turtle wars.
    Will it become as thrilling as the old school strip wars ? Great ! I never had as much fun as in OSWs.
    @Gorilla ofc i know hansels make plunder in SWars... I'm only saying they should not. Attack builds will attack. Spies will assassinate, and steal at their own risk. Hansels will go back to what they should have remained : spies. Being able to make more plunder with a forge than a full attack build was a glitch. It lasted for too long now. It's great if devs put an end to that.
  14. Why would this game be fun if there were no variations in builds? No build is "better" it's how you use the build, and what works for you.

    Stop hating oh hansel builds, it's just another build, and it wasn't "unintended" to be in game, otherwise there would be no spy buildings.

    It's just a different type of build...
  15. Didn't read all comments. Being dtw at 0% is cool but not being able to hit until 50% means that if they keep u under 50% u can not help unless u crystal. That % should be lowered.
  16. @ war Chill mate, it's a discussion. I don't know what's to dislike about this update. Everyone is open to be hit unless you've been tagged out for 30mins. Hansels can pin an attack build easy enough. When you come out of pin you have troops/spies to strategise your next target (all open). And if you win you get a week of higher plunder eb's ( gold is a “must” in kaw ) and a better chance of getting an item.
    Surely this has to be better than scrolling battle list - att:dtw, st:dtw, att:dtw, st:dtw etc, etc, etc, hit quest, bank gold, att:dtw, st:dtw, att:dtw, st:dtw, etc, etc, etc...
    For 24 ******* hours.
    Jeez bro, just ask for it to be an option when signing up for a war. Then do a 48 hr war and get your dtw fix
  17. Great news regarding wars.
    A some suggestions as requested though -
    1 - Once you are in a war you cannot leave nor can you be kicked from the clan (you wouldn't send a soldier off the battlefield and shouldn't be allowed to leave),
    2 - No internal pinning of clan members, they fight and defend or the enemy smashes them (the tactic of keeping your clan member pinned is wrong and makes no sense in a war, you fight or the enemy gets the reward),
    3 -Make short wars (a lot of players, including myself, cannot commit to 12 hour wars but a short ugly 3 hour war or 6 hours, hell yeah)
    I believe the above three ideas would make for interesting wars where EVERYONE has to commit fully or the clan suffers the loss
  18. And why take away quest but still allow outside hits. Fine, a player can't self pin on troops but can easily have an outside group keep them pinned. If u want to encourage fighting and discourage hiding then make it not outside hits as well as no questing.
  19. So actually your going to made ebs that don't drop at all, drop a piece of equipment. That's truly sad.
  20. I think this is a great idea and I defiantly will be in a couple wars
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