Upcoming Lowland War Equip/Ally Bonuses

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. And that is how LL wars died ladies and gentlemen.
  2. Was a joke, I don't support this update. But exactly.

  3. Lol. Im surprised it hasnt happened already. Half expect to see WC fill up with it.
  4. We should rename these wars hte wars, since that's how this is gonna go down apparently lol
  5. That would also work if their main intent is what I am thinking it is. Which would be to reduce stl gold compared to atk gold and not have ll wars be baby primal wars (which is what they currently are) cause everyone loved primal so much.
  6. Boooo devs - booooo on the devs

    No support - boycott llwars.

    I have bfa and bfe and I dun like this change - bfa and bfe r 4 indiwars not llwars

  7. Still no support. You can clarify all you want but this update to the wars IS NOT WANTED! The thing you should have done was put a forum thread out for the community to vote first. That would be the logical think to do.

    Let me reiterate @kaw_communtity, THESE BONUSES ARE NOT WANTED.
  9. Lol a zaft with more in allies than your whole build cost to make...
  10. This is bs
    10% devs? 10%? Screw off
    You know who isnt gonna do ll wars after this
    Edit: lets take a look at my bfe/bfa
    Bfe: attk:5% def:3% satt:7% sdef:5%
    While..... bfa
    I am certainly not doing ll wars
    Its gonna be primals v2
  11. Boycott ll wars
    Stop spending on kaw. That will make devs listen
  12. I'm not going to boycott them. I just won't do them personally. If top spenders want their 20 minutes of fame on the LB then let them have it. They can war amongst themselves instead of the rest of us.

    There's still enough indis to do what I need for rewards... unless the devs plan to change those too.

    I find it unlikely they'll tell us before hand, or after the update is already done.
  13. LL war died - Alts on old devices died ...
  14. No support. Bad idea
  15. TIGER: I'm pretty sure that 100% of kaw doesn't understand your explanation you gave regarding % bonuses from equip and allies based on stats builds on lowlands. I dun even understand.

    Devs: we blah blah dun blah care blah blah

    TIGER: that's pretty childish and you r unreasonable

    Devs: we blah gonna blah take blah blah ur blah blah $$$ blah

    TIGER: not my $$$, I won't war

    Devs: crap

    You (Devs) r rolling out updates that r confusing
    You should have beta tested this
    You all this this might b a good idea but when tons of ppl r against it - prob not a good idea
  16. Take a look at SyiverDragon-Onthe-Battlefield's clan.. All those LB get 10%+ advantage if they match a clan with smaller members.. BOOOO NO SUPPORT
  17. Maybe if this is a must be update, cap the bonuses so we don't have massive unbeatable stats.
  18. Your latest update completely screwed this last war. No updates in NF until KO.. Make this right because you just screwed everyone. This is starting to be a trend๎–๎–๎–๎–
  19. What's the point of warring anymore when you can't compete with people who has the funds to rig easy wins. The worse part was troop count was way off and couldn't see incoming till too late.It didn't matter cause couldn't tell how much troops or spies I had left.
  20. This latest update just screwed up war 11. I couldn't see ll % in my bars. Nf lagged a lot. Y'all better give compensation and make this right. :/