Upcoming Feature: Clan Roles!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. But....

    When will all these changes take place? You should've stated that in the main post.
  2. Lower the prices or something
  3. Congratulations devs. Youve listened to feedback - clans do need more ranks and the ability to share power better.

    Only one problem. You've let your wallets get in the way of a good new feature and added a monetary value to this. I guess in the hope that clan owners will buy seals so they can recreate what they have had free of charge for so long. It's not like it's optional. Unless I spend 5T+ my clan relies on me to be active 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to open the door and start battles.

    Way to screw it up. 25b to make a clan TRILLIONS to make it usable.

    Special needs.

    That is all
  4. As mentioned at the start of the post, the update will be released in the next few weeks. We're getting the final touches on things and will then need to wait for Apple to review the update.

    We however wanted to give everyone ample time to prepare.
  5. holy lord im so hyped
  6. Can the owner title be passed around to spread out the purchases of slots?

    So the 8.3T isn't all on one person, but can be spread through a clan?
  7. This is amazing can't wait for the role out  hats off to you development team 
  8. Any member with the "Manage Clan Roles" ability can purchase slots :)
  9. Can one admin role silence the other? Or is it only peasants that can be silenced?
  10. I guess if you're tight on funds you can get away with just having the knight-peasant positions 
  11. Okay, okay, you buy the spot for the clan, not for the individual person, got that.

    Best point I've heard though is new clans. How can a starter clan of new accounts operate with so little gold to buy admin type slots and then as a result, so few admins?

    Anyone ever been in a clan with only 5 admins? Isn't it great when they're all offline and no one can start an eb, no one can let folks in the door, etc?

    Think about this devs.....at 50B being the cheapest admin position that can even watch the door....new clans for new/small accounts will be dead in a heartbeat.
  12. More roles should be able to Kick no?? Charge hands needs to be kick and accept.
  13. New people should not be making clans till they are bigger, 50 bil is pocket change
  15. Yes has always been an option although you had to send feedback and email devs to change it. As well with the gold coming out of your pockets. Costs the same as starting a new clan.
  16. Complete jackassery. How the hell is the average clan suppose to open these roles up?
  17. Here's my favorite part, clan s that shouldn't exist, or the people that aren't big enough to actually run a decent clan will not be able to purchase the titles to assign members and will Make it harder for the few who have admin abilities to keep the clan running and succeeding, while larger, established clans will have no issue filling all roles.

    I see this pushing more people into a clans by eliminating the use and efficiency of smaller clans. So where we have struggling members, we will have strong clans with full rosters.

    Like it alot.
  18. Bruh! Finalllllyyyyyyyy what took so long jesssuuuussssss chrrriiiiiisssssstttttt
  19. Took long enough

    Good looking update I will abuse the peasants.