This does not work at all, it's most craziest idea yet , over half my clan are admins, shame on you kaw, no support what so ever, you must of been on drugs when you thought of this, it will ruin the game ,for me and for everyone else
Everyone seems to be asking why the silence option......have we forgotten the spammers from past wars? Although i would think that the 8 trillion to be shelled out for rank should squash almost all visitors that are not vested.....some smaller new clans who take in wc warriors for war may need this option during a war. Hence the 1 hr time limit......or am i speaking out of context devs???
Love the new update I also love Warlord, it is badass lol. Only experienced players who can maintain a clan should be making clans anyway. Maybe now as those small clans die and more Kawers become available for the taking, clans should run more efficiently
People complain about inflation and too much gold being in KaW all the time. Maybe you don't have a nice pretty piece of it, but have you seen the ally LB? Of course there's tons of gold in the game, don't get all rude and pissy because you're broke :lol:
Sorry, no support (a first for me). Ridiculous pricing for not getting any enhancement to the previous situation. I honestly guess no dev is seriously playing the game and certainly wasn't a clan owner.
I still can't get over this, I can't see at all how this will benefit any clan what so ever,Admins help with the door and are from different time zones , what if I want to leave my clan do I have to pay for another position in my clan,
Roles also need to be made available through clan achievements. For example unlocking an EB, beating clan record, winning wars etc. Devs also need to address clan loyalty ASAP
Greedy A thinking Ape, does it ever gonna end your greed? You ruin the game by only think of your pocket and not the gamers play time.
serious question, If you buy all available slots for levels of admin do they need to be assigned? say you have purchased all slots, and you have 5 admin leave to go do other things, and you dont have anyone you wish to fill those spots with atm, does that mean your maxed at 95 clan members unless you give a peasant a raise?
I like the idea in a way but its Much too expensive!!! 1T for another slot. How should a small low-Level Clan ever be able to unlock? Investing the harvest of days and weeks of Gold-farming for 1slot? Please make this easier ️
accepting member application position Is it as it seems that only the top few spots can accept new members in?? Cause I want to be able to assign dorr persons, that can start ebs, and open door..
The only positive feature I see is the ability to mute problem players in clan chat. Allowing any member other than the clan owner who has spent their hard earned gold to start the clan to change roles is a serious mistake. Also allowing so many to change or edit the main clan page us a mistake.
Greed? I don't think greed comes into play here. If they made all of these new positions cost nobs then you could scream greed. Greed is always the quickest least thought out response around here. It's like saying it's Obama/Bush's fault to any problem in the world. If I'm not mistaken these positions cost gold which is given out by the shipload these days. Just keep tappin bro. This clan idea may be poorly structured but not driven by greed. I would like to see a change in clan structure but this is too many different roles in my opinion. It would be nice to see new original functionality within a clan. I'd love to see a clan bank. It would drive loyalty and the ability to all contribute. It would also be cool if there were a way to loot other clan's banks. A clan treasurer could be in charge and warn the clan when looting activity is occurring. Bottom line...this new structure doesn't seem to have the majority support. I hope some considerations are made before rolling it out.
That would mean only startersclans from within existing families. We build our family from the startersclan up. That would become nearly impossible. I am sick of this apoc-zaft thing as it is.