Upcoming Feature: Clan Roles!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. To me this is a big drain on the owner if he or she has to shell out gold for positions also no need to silence clan members you can kick if there a problem
  2. No support,explain to me,in what world is this a good idea
  3. All members in the clan can purchase clan roles, not only the owner! :)
  4. But, sweetie, how the hell is anyone, who can't afford to pay to play. Supposed to upgrade if we have to shell out our EB gold for clan positions?

    Again, it discourages new players and the only ones left will be those who are huge HTE people or OSWers.

  5. Looks like you still have a sausage in your mouth
  6. Now we have to payan insane amount of gold for clan roles it is hard enough growing already as it is,I suggest coming up with an idea to boost plunder from ebs if money is what kaw is starting to become
  7. Please add a clan bank in upcoming future. Would like to see % of plunder from EB or someone donating to clan funds whereas owner or main admins can use the funds for helping with roles and funding other things.
  8. 1st post! ^ yayyy
  9. Is the Owner expected to be paying for these slots or the lucky member?

    Some great points here but .. where we have clans run by co-owners and council (rotation) do these clans still have the option of role transfer relatively easily?

    We all accept our preferred level of responsibilities. . but insomnia appears to be a huge problem in kaw now!It would appear to give an opportunity to share power but does require application to prove that yet.

    The frequency and duration of events as well as the added burdens there in running a clan partly sit on the laps of the Devs.

    Might I suggest wars have slots or rosters and when opted in by players that the slots fill as opted and the war begins a set time after this? Open slots every 3 to 4 hours rather than as current, so that players may actually go to sleep and war appropriately to their time zones. Or make a set time for major time zones (Devs you know the figures). With shift work etc no need to bind players to a zone. If numbers are insufficient for some reason players are released from that opt in but may choose to re opt for next available time or release the "spell". Just a thought?
  10. All roles should be free and controlled by owner Spending money on clan roles... Just ridiculous I don't support this.... Try again devs
  11. This idea is literally so simple and so many people are over thinking it. Just as simple as unlocking a land 1 time, then building what you want(assigning a role), and destroying that building to put another one up at a later time(player in role leave's clan, so amither member gets pronoted by higher up).

    It's a good gold sink that stalls bc growth temporarily, and encourages stronger players to help unlock slots for friends in smaller clans.
  12. They could change it to squire or esquire.
  13. This system sucks
  14. Im part of a smaller clan, I don't usually complain but this is bs. They different powers is good, making the clan pay for it is wrong, smaller clans that don't run hte and such will be a LONG time at a disadvantage while clans that have high payout ebs won't blink an eye, way to not help new/small players grow.
  15. BOOOOOO,no support
  16. When this starts 1 as my owner sets new admins will they have to pay right away or will it be the owner paying to make them that rank? 2 who does the gold go to for the position?
  17. Wtf? Pretty ****** up
  18. Lmao that's total ..... This isn't meant to help people grow, it's just meant for people to recognise council members/head admins etc.
  19. Just no , that is all
  20. People should find a clan they is no pervs.. why silence? That's dumm