Can there be a new ranks just for changing CA and Clan Titles? Thats all the responsibility I can handle. All the other administrative duties are ones I won't do.
Chimera, I feel you. I understand that even the 50b basic door keeping slots might be too much for a smaller clan running low tier ebs. Like any ecosystem, we cannot survive in the long run if the low tier clans are killed off. Since the devs are still taking feedback about this, maybe a certain number of free slots would fix this? If every clan got 4-5 of the door keeping slots free, it would help sustain the current setup while the clans work their way to get the gold to purchase the bigger slots. I hope the developers do not overlook this potential problem. If our clans aren't given any slots for free, the smaller clans that cannot afford it will die out. Our new players won't have homes to grow at. Look at it this way, say I run a b2b Reckoning clan. Boom, new update. No more admins and as owner I do not have the gold or make enough to buy a basic door keeping slot. What happens? Clan dies, members leave and might just quit the game due to the frustration of not being able to find a clan their size. Have the devs truly thought this true? I like the idea, but have they considered how it effects the broad spectrum of players they have? Edit : The devs are giving 3 free slots at the start(Owner included). I don't believe that number is sufficient to be implemented without essentially killing off our low tier EB clans.
I like it, but owners of clans already in existence, will have to agree to somehow pay trillions. It'll shut my clan down for sure...its hard enough to try and war, keep coin banked, and grow. Now this? I can't save enough between wars go upgrade land. How am I going to get the trillions to keep clan open?
Why not have have clan bank... so all loyal members can bank in clan If your doing ee wars you can take clan banks gold... just an idea ...
To who it may concern. Not all clans are set up and manged as a one size fits all box. In our clan we rule it by council and have 7 members of equal standing. Therefore the new structure for clan admin that you have proposed will not work for our clan. I also assume there are other clan in KaW that will be effected as we are. As part owner and council member of the Dragons Rage clan, formally request that the clans be able to determine the amount of slots in each admin position. Sincerely WARPIGS -1984
What's in a Name or Title? From the posts, turns out a lot. A ‘Peasant’ is small farmer or farm labourers of low social rank; they are coarse, unsophisticated, boorish, uneducated low-lifers of little or no financial means. I get that the new roles are trying to follow a Medieval / Roman Army type of theme, in line with the whole game being based on fighting and overcoming evil entities. So why choose for the bulk of clan members – who are the trusted/valued/essential worker-bees of any clan – a term that would be seen as so disrespectful, demeaning or scornful? Is that REALLY how the Devs see the bulk of their customer base? Because that is what we are folks – paying customers. We make them money and profit. In terms of a marketing strategy to roll out a new structure with significant costs to an established game, seems to me that the Devs really went about this the wrong way. Did you really sit around the boardroom and say “Hey! Let’s insult our customer base – right before we change all the rules that will significantly impact 80% of our customers. And, let’s deluge them with daily “sales” to get them to spend more RL money while we are at it. That’ll get us loads of support for all the profit making changes we want to make”. A little more respect and courtesy by the Devs would have been appreciated. The leaderboard people won’t really be affected by the enormous costs these new roles introduce. These players earn more gold in one hit than I make in an entire eb. Still, I don’t see them applauding the all title choices here in the forum. Think about it Devs: if us ‘Peasants’ at 5, 10, 20, 30 mcs are offended by your proposal, do you really think the big guns in the game that spend $$$ each month are going to feel suitably appreciated by such a disparaging title choice? Cause even in the big clans, not everyone is going to have a ‘role’, so some of them are going to be ‘Peasants’ like the rest of us apparent low-lifes. Why not give everyone some dignity here. There’s a Warlord in charge so how about calling the lowest ranking level a Warrior? A Soldier? A Trooper? A Ranker? Anything but a ‘Peasant’ for cripes sake. And Devs, when you DO change the title – make sure you publish an apology to everyone for the mass insult you delivered this week.
Wow, so many peeps weighing in with less than 100 previous comments and way to many complaining about being called a peasant......hell, ill take it. No responsability. I have been war council, head admin, owner in several clans. Screw that stuff...bring me a peasant title any day
Peasant is really demeaning. Devs will surely change that role, can be substituted for soldier or such.
Re: Clan Roles! Refunds for Disbanding? Sorry If this question has been asked before me but, If I bought a few positions totalling 1 Tril per say; Would I get the money back if I disband that clan ? Another question, Would it be plausible to expect a clan bank for investments towards new roles ? Any Answers would be great, sorry if these questions have been asked. I'm not keen on reading 590 Posts !
Re: Clan Roles! Refunds for Disbanding? I don't think you'll get the money back after disbanding the clan because currently, if you disband the clan you're owner in, you don't get your 25bil back.HOWEVER,it would be good if the devs allow for a clan bank where members can donate and share the amount within such that only the owner can use it to buy role positions.
PEASANT my stomach is hurting I've laughed so much don't devs realise you can very easily get a punch on the nose for calling people peasants. Next we hear they will have decided not to use peasant and use 'chavs' instead ohh my sides hurt. And in all honesty why charge any money at all?? What is the point or purpose of that ???Small clans newly starting out won't have a chance. It's restrictive and frankly a damn cheek to ask a trillion