Upcoming Feature: Clan Roles!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. bye a position not earned

    So anyone can bye a higher position then the owner/owners want them to be, or who pays for the role???
  2. Lol so no more leaving and visiting clans eh? Guess that's good for clan loyalty.... But goodbye my friends
  3. We've added a number of roles to fill the various positions Admins used to, and so for most smaller clans these will provide sufficient control. Admins as a concept don't exist in the same way, but the abilities do spread over a number of roles.
  4. Purchases will stick with the clan. If you leave they will still be unlocked. If you create a new clan you'll need to unlock them again.
  5. Who pays the fees for the slots? Clan owner?
  6. You literally get thrown 250bil at the end of every event, if you can't afford it you shouldn't run a clan
  7. Who pays for these roles? One person? Or everyone?
  8. Anyone in the clan who has the ability to manage roles can purchase a slot, which them makes it available to the entire clan.
  9. You should really just combine the two roles above peasants.
  10. Thank you admins!
  11. Out for BR.. no wait, thats gonna cost me a Fortune  nvm 
  12. ftfy
  13. Why would it cost you a fortune?
  14. Bruh so confusing and complex to adapt to.
    No support
  15. Is there a sacking option for when you don't want an admin to return to clan and someone lets them in accidentally for instance?
  16. Peasant? Bit harsh on standard members?
  17. So these role purchases are a one-off payment? You just buy it and gain a permanent ability to assign people to that rank?
  18. I like clan roles,HOWEVER....

    I do not like that slots have to be bought, that is not cool..

    And you know what else is not cool? Labeling regular members as Peasants... how much more demeaning could ATA get? No one is a peasant in my clan.

    Also 'not cool' is giving anyone the right to mute another fellow clannie in cc.. everyone deserves a voice in cc, no matter how awkward it may be...

    Ive asked for better clan structure in the past, but not to be forced into some demeaning crap like labeling all regular, non admin, members as peasants..

    I dont support this at all. I thought the devs were a tad bit classier than that.
  19. So if I want to be a warchief... I have to pay a whopping 1 trillion gold? :lol:
  20. What about adding a clan bank eventually so that people can deposit gold into a single entity instead of leaving the burden to one person?

    A clan is a clan after all, a combined effort.