Val seems to think I was inactive the whole war and I cost them the war itself. But the reason they lost that war was due to an admin (7Sito7) kicking their highest plunder earner.
You forgot to mention AFTER they'd probably unloaded at least 5-10 times, as you said ... "I didn't see ally hire because they spammed my newsfeed with attacks"
I didn't see who bought the ally because they spammed my news feed with attacks. Not I didn't see the ally being hired. Get your facts right.
I don't know who bought the ally or the allies name. I only saw a few billion out and saw what had happened. I then banked and reported it in cc.
Guys, the war was lost. It's over. Val, if you want, you are invited to our new clan, merlyn- 50 hits on a 4mcs OSF adds up quickly
Ok, I'm bumping this thread again as I've had no luck with war clans and time is technically running out. Here's what I'm looking for; A clan with a 70% success rate in wars. A clan that doesn't require members to have full mithril spells activated in war. Or can at least excuse me from this rule until I gain enough mithril to do so. Here's what I can offer; 5.2m cs pure spy 0 allies. No risk of being stripped. I use full pots. On both the attack and defence side. I have fairly good equipment. Currently set to spy heavy of course. I have crystals too. I can also do a certain 4/8 wars a week. Anymore would be a risk as it would be too late or too early for me to guarantee activity.
lol anyone who goes in active in even one EE gets black listed. It's a joke looking at people asking for a winning clan when they cant war for the full amount of time. so many people begging to be in good clans so the coordinated perms can get you the mith.