Upcoming Estoc Tournament

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Valkyrie-XV, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Spy merlin the devils legion would love to have u
  2. I need a clan that has won a large amount of its wars.
  3. Looking for one too
  4. I've tried Sotuw, We're Screwed, GHC Syndicate.
  5. You aren't too good in estoc wars
  6. Collin, after your rage in 404 I doubt anybody else would be willing to chance having you say you will piss on their dead mothers grave.
  7. Why don't you ask admins in good war clans, instead of forums? Or ask on the clan thread for various war clans? Just asking on forums isn't going to do much.
  8. I've tried asking Admins. They never reply.
  9. Jas, I never said that bro... You're ****** up
  10. You tried to get into We're screwed??
    They don't accept new people, because they're too kool for anyone •_•
  11. They I suppose they are.
  12. I'm looking for one too! Please message me if you fine one!
  13. Collin, homophobia, necrophilia are just some of the things that got you kicked from 404.
  14. Dw merlyn, he can wall me his reply.
  15. Merlyin was kicked too
  16. I wouldn't let meryln or Collin in a clan to war
  17. I wasn't kicked. I left to find a better clan you fool.
  18. Collin last page is inactive junk..

    Merlyn pure spy that contributes to 0 plunder and goes into war with allies, last war got stripped and leaked.. >.>

    Sorry. The truth.