@ aura please post all of ur comments in 1-2 post as some of ur posts are only 1 line and if KaW added a third element sure it might spice the game up a bit but then people will get board of having to manage 3 classes in only 50 lands
Maybe the answer from dev's is found on page 101 of this topic. Or we all just need to be a little more patient and wait till the summer-wars are over. But it might take them even longer as it did when they came up with the Epics, there it took them almost half a year to post any more information Maybe they come up, as they did back that time with the epics, with something that could be called name that building and give us crystals or nobility as a reward for the best ideas again. We will know what they have in mind when they tell us. So up to that point there is nothing to do then wait and play the game the way it is at this moment.
There Prosponing it so all the Xtral users use Xtrals everyday maxed so they make more gold and devs make more $$
T5 won't be out during summer wars, Reason: players who are saving gold will have the upper hand by upgrading quickly and have the advantage on summer wars. Players who have been warring every weekend will have a harder time upgrading since they invest in pots or buying allies. Devs are trying to keep the summer wars balance, but will announce the prices of T5 near the end of summer wars. -it's logic knowledge
Well I think your right, but since we only had 4 clans warring last weekend they should of said nothing till after summer wars. Because to be honest it's ruined it
Can we have the damn tier 5 already??? Jeez clans are stuck doing haunting to save money!!!! We are not progressing at all do something
Would be nice if you guys would Atleast release a deadline or requirements so we know what we are working towards