Upcoming Epic Battles and Tier 5 Buildings

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Not even buying allies anymore and watching my leader position drop on the board. Saving up for T5.
  2. Regarding ultimate killer's ss from devs:

    Perhaps devs should look at how many clans did summer war this weekend. (6)

    Summer wars are already dead and over with. The community is ready for the new buildings

    Release t5 now!!
  3. If the devs wanted to keep summer wars active they shouldn't have told us about t5 buildings. Now everyone is saving money instead of warring. They might as well just release them sooner than later. I'm starting to wonder why they haven't released any info on them too. I hope they're not keeping it a secret for the reasons a1 said, but it's starting to look that way.
  4. Exactly Cratnas! That was one of my responses to them
  5. Can't wait for T5 Please keep us updated As much as possible thanks!
  6. If devs make aqua an obligation that's not right cuz you gotta use crystals to even get drops!- I understand they gotta make money- good for them if they do- otherwise I'm happy
  7. We're givig them ideas! They should make aqua and inferno mandatory for t5 - ill quit but they'll make money :)
  8. If any money savers are here can many join my clan for haunting
    Came get ready for t5
    If ur not in about 20 min wall me
  9. The ebs would be better if the enemies attack back I mean its like they're just standing their waiting for us to attack them
  10. It wouldnt make any sense to use inferno or aqua to build a t5 building they spell to mage items what a silly idea. They nothing to do with building at all. Just keep it at gold as normally rest u with ur silly ideas keep to yourself
  11. It would make sense to make land out of inferno and aqua
  12. No it wouldn't. Some people like me never win any inferno or aqua despite playing everyday.
  13. I personally would make it that in stead of being hlbc as the requirement.. It would be a fully upgraded t4 building would have to have exsisted on that land before you can switch over ro t5...

    This would level the playing field..you see the land is something you have to get anyways so there is no point in making it a land requirement but if you make it 50 land then most new people will just skip t4 all together and go t4. ..it isnt fair to those that had to pay for there t4 buildings. .Cause they wont get their monwy
  14. It is supose to say go t5 not t4 lol
  15. No Aq/inferno for T5 or I'll quit. My clan already destroyed when new items EBs released. Don't make this game more complicated :(
  16. Does anyone know the exact release date of T5
  17. No one knows Soma, Devs like to give us a tiny bit of info and then leave us hanging in the wind, not knowing what to do.
  18. I think inferno being used on maybe the last upgrade level of t5 would be a good idea. If T5 doesn't have a higher requirement in the first place (such as 20 highlands to build level 1), then it would make that last level achievable only by people who win inferno or have access to the mage.

    I mean inferno only costs 7.5bil... Not to mention you can win it from ebs. Nothing to quit over you big babies.
  19. After reading so many posts knowing devs have been reading too. They may just use ur ideas and impliment to kaw. I would be really happy to see the balloon ship used for new land explore. Never too late to ad more and more. Y stop now? If u cant keep up than just play more. Save more. Spend more. I mean how well does kaw stand up to the call of duty game? I know im not hlbc but i will get there. T5's will help me. Ill do what it takes to get what i want and so will u. New ebs awesome! Items,awesome! T5's mage awesome!