Upcoming Epic Battles and Tier 5 Buildings

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Lol total support ^
  2. Yay my main can have new buildings
  3. You mean they're out now Super?
  4. Has anyone thought of misc builds? I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere and I'd just like to throw that out there
  5. Maybe the misc buildings will increase plunder or change regen rate in future updates but will cost something in return like spending inferno, aqua, or mith
  6. Next can I have more lands??????
  7. Great update.. All hlbc were running out of things to do
  8. I've wasted two years of my life. Spent good some of money. This is lame. Everything so far, after pw elimination, has been to slow growth Seriously enchantments? My dumb ass falls for it, wasting gold on it. Plus taking away reset bonus. That actually gave the game longevity. I think I and many others may see this game as an exorcise in futility. Then you make gaw, omg is that game easy to bc. Pimd and kaw are ridiculous, for time to achieve same. Give us pop ups and make money besides sucking players dry. Glad I prefer paw where you guys left things alone, and gaw where there not so much pressure to complete build. Can actually enjoy the game.
  9. I only hope that there is no highland limit for T5 if not its problematic for us noobs
  10. Noob rage much? 0_o
  11. If you feel you've wasted two years of your "life" on kaw etc, maybe get yourself a life that isnt little petty internet games and calm the **** down?
  12. the game has to keep progressing. The harder the game is to 'complete' the better I say. Keeps me playing. Ye there's new T5 coming out, stop complaining and just deal with it. T4 has been out long enough.. If your complaining it's ruining wars / farming I'm always here. Just wall me for a 1v1. I know you wouldn't, so you might as well go back to your eb's and complain wars are ruined but I don't see you using the battle list..
  13. In new ebs, maybe we have to max xtal to win but if all clan's member are active in war, you can finish those ebs within time limit. I never xtal my self. We don't have to finish eb in 1 hour or complain that dev make eb too hard to finish without xtal.
  14. Gurantee at least half ur clan xtaled
  15. I'm not finish my HLBC now
  16. Stop the suspense devs, bring them out already. Bored of waiting
  17. lol...the #3 ranked clan failed CtT a few hours ago, they were ranked #2 at the time.
  18. i know CTT is a xtal dumping EB so once you get the item no point too keep on doing it and waste your xtals