Upcoming Epic Battles and Tier 5 Buildings

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. IBB. People are saying release the prices.. No one expects T5 in middle of summer war. But the pp warring need to know if they need to save up or if they can stock up and war
  2. Teir 5..... Until This Comes Out I Swear Ill Here Things Like Chuck Norris' Tower Or Something Like That For A While..........
  3. who cares it had to happen eventually the game just cant stop
  4. It would be good to add a new t3 or t4 spy building. I'd love seeing 30,000 spies per building.
  5. As an all spy I need to see some more spy buildings
  6. They can bring t5 anytime now or later but atleast show us the state and price that what all we ask
  7. Why can we not know about pricing range? Because others may have unrealistic expectations and save money WRONG - all the better to buy a land or level up a building
  8. Thank you!! Some of us HLBC people have been waiting for this. I don't like to collect allies. Personally I have no use for allies much beyond my max plunder. So happy there will be something to "do" again. Almost got all the equipment and now 2 more out lol. I personally appreciate you debs keeping the game moving.
  9. What day can we expect T5 on?
  10. Money hungry devs... How you disappoint me yet again... WHERE ARE MY ACHIEVEMENT BONUSES?!?! ARGHHHHH LOL
  11. When will they be out? I hope a long time, I need to grow, in my opinion
  12. does anyone know the dates this will come available. looking forward to it
  13. Awesome  but there has to be some sort of prerequisite like maybe hcbc before u can get the t5 builds??? Idk jus throwin an idea out there
  14. Hope It's not gonna be to much!!
  15. Don't worry. If the devs ignore the pp saying make them cost inferno and aqua and mithril And they ONLY cost gold... They will be very expensive.......
  16. If devs don't tell us prices soon, Summer Wars will have half the clans participating
  17. Did anyone notice that they nerfed the last couple ebs? Terrain travails stage 2 dropped almost a million hit points and these new ebs are fairly easy......
  18. Lol it's fairly easy if a clan has quite a few players with bunch of xtals. It seems each eb costs at least $60 to complete lol Check out how many ebs are being done daily. Do your math. I don't think that those eb regens will allow it to be completed without a single xtal.

    And rare drop of aqua or buy it for 5 xtals? I really wish aqua won't be needed for t5..
  19. When will it be out ?