To the kaw community, I once again apologize for a lengthy post that is off topic from t5, but couldn’t help but reply to Belle’s points. Regardless of if she replies to this latest post I will refrain from any further comments on this subject here as, this thread should remain on T5. Any future posts by me on this thread will be related to t5 only Oh Belle, Belle, Belle, lol is really all I have to say. No offense, but I’m not sure what your post was trying to accomplish, perhaps it was maybe to get your own agenda across to the community; however, I can say that I do not feel like 90% of that post was for me…but since addressed to me… For shits and giggles, I’m gonna point out the following (I do so totally out of love dear and nothing personal): 1. In point 1 you say that you “do not believe the devs are removing gold from kaw in anyway”, yet on page 12 you discuss how the ally market needs to be deflated and gold is therefore being put into “valuable” resources like mith and inferno…Belle what happens when you use that mith and inferno you purchased? Do you get a refund on the gold you sank into it? No you don’t that gold is “lost” or “removed” from the system. You also said “inflation has been stopped with certain updates” on page 13…so I’m sorry devs ARE actually using updates to deflate the market by removing gold from the economy per your own statements. 2. “Ofc Volley transfers are bad”- rofl ok make up your mind Belle, ally trading is either good or bad….the mechanism by which trading occurs is through volleys…a volley is simply the buying and selling of an ally between two accounts, and in such a transaction you move gold from one account to another…i.e. a transfer using a volley or volley transfer. You can’t glorify the opportunities to make gold through ally trading on one hand while on the other saying that the mechanism to trade is “bad” on the other lol You want to find ways to kill manipulations of the system? Ok, lets first do away with dtw mechanics for system wars….b/c that enables a clan to remain dtw for an entire war to ensure a win….that can be seen as an exploitation of system wars. The negative impact you may ask? Well it creates an unlevel playing field for those people who want to have a life and cannot sit in front of their computer/device for 12/24/48hrs straight to stay pinned costing them mith pay out, pots, etc….not to mention what it does to the “spirit” of the war tourney. Secondly lets do away with those pesky little spy builds, those were not intended to be a viable build option, and were exploited to open endlessly as long as gold out…which oh yeah is really what people “exploited” with pws…not the pw system themselves. This is also a build in kaw that can be more powerful than most attack builds in certain situations without attack builds being able to “hurt” said ghost spy builds (don’t quote defenses related to new pots and items against these ghost builds cuz these ghost builds can get same items etc and negate the ones attk builds have)….I would say a majority of the community is still attack builds, so again it’s a small population exploiting mechs to gain an advantage over the majority. See how the spy community likes that removal of a mech that is exploited lol Thirdly lets do away with throwing items in ebs…..I’m sure you are aware how much can be made if a clan allows one member to throw all items in an eb…pretty sweet payout and very reminiscent to the pws/volley transferring you are so keen to say was an exploit to transfer large amounts of gold to one person in a day, i.e. violating purchase limits. Ok really could go on, but trying to keep this one a bit shorter than others… I hope you get my point….In case you don’t let me spell it out for you: The mechs/system will ALWAYS be exploited in someone’s eyes and harmful to a “majority” of the community and create imbalances. It is unavoidable, and is actually something certain people enjoy about the game…find ways to get “ahead” in the game by working through opportunities in the system. Its all how you look at it, not all of it is bad and each scenario has its pros/cons. It is truly about whether that exploitation creates an imbalance for all players not just a particular population. My personal opinion is, volley transfers can only be exploited by those players who are willing to drop a ton of RL money on the game, and purchase on multiple accounts to get ahead as you say. Not everyone who plays this game can or is willing to drop that kind of money on the game. More specifically to those who could “afford” to exploit the volley system as you say creating said “rift”, guess you missed this in my last post….they would do so anyway even if remaining within the “purchase” limits as you say…and still a MAJORITY of kaw cannot spend that kind of money to keep up….RIFT WOULD STILL EXIST. Only thing done through killing drop volleys and limiting slots was stop those rich people from competing with each other through purchases…as you said in one of your other posts…they can only become richer…they don’t have much more room to compete with stats (until they start inflating BC ally prices when t5 rolls around and guess what inflation here we come again)…congrats to the devs, they probably just pulled money out of their own pockets lol Also volley transferring and drop volleying very easy…hitting “hire” and “drop” not difficult lol So what if you have to wait 15 days to drop that ally? If you are still transferring funds and exceeding the daily purchase rate, and exploiting the system, there is NO POINT to making us wait and as I state in my other thread limit the non-rich population on strategies for many different aspects of kaw…which I won’t go into…if you do not know of these advantages that actually DO benefit the not rich to help them actually REMAIN competitive, then guess we will never see even close to eye to eye on this issue. Also searching for allies with good stats can sometimes be more time consuming than volleying a noob from 1M to 1T…despite all the extra active allies you say exist and all the space that has been cleared for them…just saying. 3. Achievement Bonuses- Belle STILL missing my point, don’t tell us things that you will do if you cant follow through on your word. That is a life lesson more important than patience is a virtue in my book. 4. Angry Mob- Belle missing my point mob went silent on first two updates after new updates started rolling out….last posts on the first two update threads was on 6/5 and 6/6 and on my thread it was 6/11….Enchanting update came out on 6/7 and was released 6/8…and then the fun started rolling after that….attention switched from the prior two updates to what was wrong or good about the new ones in forums…and did the same in practice by players chasing ebs….so not sure how you can say the angry mob had quieted down prior to release of the enchanted items update, which was the beginning of updates leading to a larger one as stated even by another mod on the enchanted thread. 5. Inactives- Belle missing my point here as well…and just restated what you said before…ty for wasting my time making me re-read what you already posted lol 6. Tourney- You use the word “substantial” a bit loosely and I’m not sure what you are comparing that “substantial” reward to…if to the reward of current system wars…yes it is “substantial”. If it is related to the amount you stand to lose by fighting the war or in comparison to old pws, or what you can make should u sit out of the tourney doing hauntings/other ebs….then it’s a joke lol 7. Mechs- Belle if you can come up with the scenario about a spy saying “yo” to a king…then pretty sure you should have been able to grasp my point about how it makes little sense my ATTK troops (bar with troop count above the spy troop count bar) can’t attack the spy troops of another kingdom…or at very least kill the damn villagers who catch my spies who try to go into assn my enemies spies. So this tells me you just don’t “want” to acknowledge it makes sense. If you have not experienced why there is an issue with spies being able to steal when 0 gold is out, it is something for you to look forward to in the war tourney you are fighting in or my thread which I will elaborate on why this particular mech creates an issue in system wars. Anyway cheers Belle! Thanks for an engaging debate
Lpo22 brings up some great points regarding all the ally bs going on. But I'll avoid getting into that as this is about T5 not Kaw in general.
You know y this game is stupid now? cuz u dont have to store ur money anymore. With ebs, your money will always be safe. No one has time to attack other players. The game has turned into a place where u contantly push repeat action and hope u get a lucky dropped item. At least make wars worth it by making the reward for winning a war much more valuble and powering.
Guys and girls!! Theres nothing to worry! Look at what happened with the achievement bonus, coming in a week eh??? Its been months!!! So since this is coming out in weeks, according and adjusting to the devs time aspect, you shouldnt expect this in at least a year!! This means you got enough time to save up for whatever is coming your way!!
I'm guessing we got around 1 week or less till T5 comes out. Anybody remember the epic battles update thread ? If you do you know devs don't release info anymore until it's very close to release.
But they released the info that Achievement Bonuses are comin out in a week, and that was what, afew months back? And I'm sorry but i dont see any of that
Kaw_Admin, I know you rarely respond to posts on these, but may I simply ask what happened to achievement bonuses? Really looking forward to both new EBs and a new tier.
Devs did it again . Thanks for adding more **** to the game. I've been playing for over two yrs now. This is the last straw for me. Like alot of players who are time constrained by family and work , this just widens the gap on us again with other players.
Ryan - Perhaps not, maybe T5 will require the 20/25 Highlands explored achievement to build? Just an idea..
When u guys hlbc what will u do? Can't grow more... Gets boring. That's y i said let them make to 100 then it will be fun
I have an idea that wild make this game a lot better. How about a new chat window. One for clan recruiting. Since nobody know there is a forum for that. Actually don't need a new one. Take out ally chat. I have posted in there tons looking to help my allies grow, and to those that hire me. Very few responses.
@king so what you are telling the devs is take out allie chat and put in a clan recruiting chat?? That's is really stupid and that's what WC but you want WC and a clan recuiting chat and clan chat right??
Wc should be for world chat. Not Ad chat. When watching tv I don't watch infomercials or the shopping channels. Wc is over run with ads. Basically I just HATE commercials with a passion. On tv and on here.