Unofficial: Season 2 of Rancor Wars: Week 3 - War #2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -JOOR-, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Well said Halliburt, good points.
  2. Excellent point, Hal!
  3. All the clans that didn't get matched ... Look at the rosters they are all similar in a very specific way ...

    All gh mixed with larger some lb players

    The hit ratio as it seems is internal to the clan if ur bottoms can't hit ur tops then u have a bad hit ratio ... There's ur fix .. Stop trying to stack clans for easy wins and play the game straight
  4. Why is it when ever someone looses a ee they cry about match up? Poor sports much :/
  5. Even if a clan has bigs and smalls a roster is a roster. The devs have showed multiple failures throughout the "testing" phase (pre-season), and now that is bleeding over into season 2. I personally don't care about what a clan "decides" is the best mix of players. I care that the devs are awarding bfe to ppl who make lvl 50, and not to those who don't. Getting this many no matches compromises the integrity of the entire award system. People who are just as dedicated to fighting EE and winning their equipment are punished for wanting to war with friends regardless of build. There definitely needs to be tweaks to the system, but hell the devs could've waited until after season 2. Clans will have to try harder to build their rosters, because everyone built their builds to suit the system the devs had in place from all of the "testing" phase these past few months. No excuses... Merely reasons. For anyone to blame a clan for trying to match their builds to attempt to win in a system the devs deemed "good enough" is pure ignorance. The devs are to blame here for procrastinating in addressing the GH exploit. Yes everyone is doing it (in general). That's because the devs said it was how things were going to be by starting season 2 unprepared. It is long overdue, but to do it in the regular season is a crap shot job done by the devs. Btw adjusting expanding the hit ratio for gh's will undoubtably be a poor solution to the problem. Just means people will need more towers.
    Full support to questioning the dev's decision to start adjusting now. Making changes in the middle of the season is poor judgement. Finish the season with the rules and standards you set devs. These changes just make it seem as if you're incompetent.  Joor for posting this thread.
  6. Hi joor wanna OSW
  7. Ya except check zaft roster
  8. They warned right after season 1 they were going to fix ... Yes devs procrastinated way too long and I was first to speak up they started season too soon they didn't fix any of the issues ....

    But even this still doesn't fix it just makes it so u can't stack soo much ...

    The real issue is 2 fold ..
    1) devs sitting on their hands too long

    2) people being lazy and looking for an easy win instead of a good fight

    Argue with that
  9. Lol I don't really gaf but look at the match we got tonight, our clan has almost no bfa and we there's has a top 50 and top 20 LB, no one in our clan could hit them, so they got two free tanks for this war nice match devs 
  10. Successfully hit that is
  11. Nice one Joor! Support! 
  12. Full support op & you touched right on a question I've been throwing around for a few weeks now & even lethal eluded to it on the previous page.. The fact that the devs have brought T6 & 3x haunts out right before season 2 is ludicrous. It has made such a large divide between people who max xtal every eb, making 30+ bill each leading to 20+ mil cs builds that few can hit.
  13. Full support! We need some answers from the developers, and they give it to us soon. Why even make hit ratio changes,bfe bfa on which teams are matched up against each other. It makes no sense at all.
  14. At what point do the devs abandon the flawed system and start over with something new? Bc (just my opinion) the current war system is just boring and excludes a huge portion of kaw. There would be so many more people participating if it wasn't so hard to get into war. First off its really hard for inexperienced players to get in on a war, and when they do its usually with a clan full of mercs and they get butchered so bad they give up in war. I'm not sure what the answer to this is but then again I'm not payed to develope games. I'm payed to a different job and I do it, if I repeatedly fail at this job I get fired, just saying 
  15. These questions are valid to every single person participating in Rancor Season 2 regardless of if a match is made or not. The devs have created a pay-to-play system and as such the customer base can, and will, hold them more accountable.

    Had the devs added a quest to farm or other mechanic into the game that would use attk/spy troops, thus removing that players ability to gain plunder for balance, in order to gain Xtals in an alternate manner other than spending money then perhaps people would not have the same negative passion towards what is going on.

    However, as stated, the devs have chosen to create a pay-to-play war system, have asked is player base to purchase the right to beta test and now we pay our $1-$2 a day entry fee into these wars only to have it changed while we are in the middle of it.

    In baseball they do not say 4 strikes you're out mid season, in American football they do not shorten the field to 70 yards mid-season because running 100 yards is hard. In NASCAR they do not ask the drivers to start driving in the other direction halfway through a race. After Tiger Woods ends his round of golf they do not lower par for the rest of the players. This is a hobby and a sport in which the rules and mechanics are being manipulated and changed in the middle of the panicle of this portion of the sport, Rancor Season 2.

    As a hobbyist, as an athlete and as a IT professional who manages the development and implementation of software I find what is going on to be beyond unacceptable, reckless, poorly thought out and with no regard to what would be considered even the most basic of software development and release best practices.

    This post I as much about the now as it is Rancor Season 3 and every other event ATA chooses to add and manage in what, could be, one of the best mobile/flash(PC) games of the genre.
  16. Why is it Delorme I see you giving people a hard time about posting forums all the time but your on alot of threads now days  hypocritical much?
  17.  joor! Such passion  everything is spot on.