Gotta love the noob rage. makes me happy. I just twist the words and then they get confused and sound like and idiot. Then they get pissed cause they know I'm right. so grand. To all you noobs (MasterWolf and CaptnJoe especially) keep it up. You're my entertainment.
I was talking with one of my good friends. I told her about this idiot named MasterWolf. She told me "he's probably just 10" I chuckled and figured he must be older. Then he posted my wall. HOT DAMN!!!! NOT THE POWER OF THOR COMING AFTER ME!!!! THOSE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS SCARE ME!!! hahaha at least say something like "cancer is coming for you" make it something real. Damn. You idiot, Masterwolf
Masterwolf and captnjoe are both on my wall where their words show how truly ignorant and stupid they are.