understanding hippies

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_-sltydgx-_-, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. Ahem. It's Gas, Ass, or Grass. Also, it is the hillbillies that are closeted homosexuals. Rednecks are just dummies who work hard. Hillbillies are dummies that work their cousins, male or female. Or goat, if nobody pays In Ass for a while.

    Hippy culture is best described in several of the seven deadly sins. Sloth, And Mary Jay Juana.
  2. Says you. Let's see your credentials

  3. I just made all that up anyway. I don't classify people into sub groups. That's what asses do, and people who want to feel like they are part of something.

    Redneck is a derogatory term. It's like me calling arabs sandmonkeys, or black people Abeed or Africoon. Maybe we should call Mexicans wet backs?

    I don't call my Pinoy friends baluga either. Yeah doesn't sound so nice.
  4. 
  5. Or calling a white person a gringo.
  6. 0.o

    These terms are no longer acceptable.

    Merkin Chleuh greaser
    Yankee Mof Russki
    Dago wop Jap
    Cracker Canuck
    White Trash Moon cricket
    Hulkamaniac Nip
    Huang jun Bumpkin Waldo
    Limey Dajiao penzu
    Wae-nom Taig
    Snout ape Béni-oui-oui
    Crow Fuzzies
    Zigaboo Munt
  7. I can assure you, as a pure bred American mutt consisting of canuck, gringo, A rab, Dego, Ity, Hebe, English (very derogatory), Frenchy minneaux (even worse), Saxon, Spic, hillbilly, redneck, ancestry...none of that is derogatory. As long as this haole can get some Hawaiian aloe Vera for my sunburned neck. Please. Oh there it is..at wal-mart, aisle twelve. Next to the kiddie pools and Turkey calls and camo 12 gauge. Woo hoo. Hillbilly heaven. Note to self. Pick up slim Jim's and mountain dew at check out. Aloha! I'm thinking of converting to Confucianism for the jokes
  8. I don't judge people by or race or culture. I judge the. By what kind of person they are. If you are a decent human being, I don't care if you're white, black, Muslim, Christian, Green or any other thing, you're fine by me.

    However, feel free to be racist against me, being as I have a large basque ancestry, making me partially blue, and with Lizard People Blood type. I'm weird.
  9. I'm half kajiit half argonian so I definitely get comments towards me. And on top of all that I'm a cow so.

  10. I'm just going to leave this here…
  11. N O!!! Not cage he can't be !!i won't believe it
    the objective is to observe and understand ,not divide and define though I have noticed several different groupings of hippies the lowest and most feared being the feral and the highestbeing the truly dirty hippyMost folks take red neck as a compliment meaning self reliant ect.,,nothing should be taken as a attempt to degrade or Demean...I personally like everyone except Yankee fans and commie democrats
  12. I went to a Yankees game. It was boring. I hate baseball.
  13. Hate the yankees? Hmmm....do I detect a...dare I type it? Wait, before I do...complete this phrase. 'Dat's Wicked _______'

    2. Is encyclopedia pronounced 'en psyche le peed ee UH?', or 'n sighk le pee d ER?'

    3. Orr....the greatest ___________ of all time?

    But I digress, does anyone know who the first hippie to grow kambuchka tea was? And who has 'the mother wort?' How does one preserve 'the mother wort' on a hippie vision quest post 9/11 with all of the security organizations? Does 'the mother wort' have intelligience? And 'self awareness?' Enquiring minds want to know. Thank you for helping resolve these profound enigmas.
  14. Can someone enlarge that pic? Does he have a friendly wookie or ewok companion?
  15. Sheesh.... Hippies made an unforgettable appearance in the late 60s. You all are chatting about stereotypes in blissful ignorance. ️
  16. You don't understand the point of this thread 
  17. Was that a hippie typo of 'hasheesh'? Has an authentic hippie accessed modern technology and posted on this thread? I apologize, I do not want to dissuade or 'scare off' an 'authentic', or 'originator', or 'elder' of the 'hippie movement' from contributing 'true' insight into this 'treatise'. Please elaborate and enlighten.

  18. The hippy is indeed a strange creature. Through many years of observation behind hippy lines, I have come up with some Vital information.

    1. There is a large distinction between the different generations of hippy, from 60's hippies, to Hipsters (Hipsters have Hippy in them, if you closely follow the lineage.)
    For example, you may be surprised to find that many hippies were avid survivalists, and would probably last longer than you in a zombie apocalypse.
    They lived off the land, made it with what they had, and even without guns, would outlast us.
    Other hippies include, the Couch Potato Hippy, the City Park Loiterer Hippy, the Local Music Scene Hippy, the Wandering Traveller Hippy, etc.
    At anytime, a hippy can disappear from one category and wind up in any other, as well as be in multiple categories at once.

    2. Hippies carry many notebooks with them.
    This one intrigued me. Most hippies are baked to the point of near illiteracy, so why have something to write on? The answer was simple. They drew peace signs on it, then rolled a joint, and smoked it.

    3. Music hippies will often try to become famous for their music, but when they inevitably fail, they will claim they prefer to be out of the spotlight, and stay within the local music scene.

    4. Hippies are not happy unless they have a blunt, a John Lennon CD, and a VW Bus that barely carries them from Gig to gig, or concert to concert.

    5. It is widely accepted that a hippy looks a certain way, but this is untrue. Although many adopt a long haired look, with beads and peace signs, there are many variations. Some grow large beards, while others stay clean cut, making them all but indistinguishable from ordinary people.

    6. Hipsters are a form of hippy, although they claim they are their own subculture.

    7. Hippy children are always named after earthy things because the hippies find these things mysterious and God like.
    Sunbeam, Starlight, Moon Ray, Lilac, I even met a hippy once named Cat crap Dirt.

    8. Hippies do not like to travel alone. They prefer to travel in groups, in the Bus, with several dogs.

    9. Hippies travel from town to town, loitering in the parks and town squares, and taking over these small communities. Listen to the Song Crispy Critters, by C.W. McCall.

    10. This one may surprise you. Each and every one of us has hippy like tendencies, be it to wander aimlessly, or long for the open road. There is a little bit of hippy in us all.
  19. #1I am 100% hippy free and#2you left out the double dreaded feral hippy and I didn't see much about hippy libs
  20. I challenge a hippie to outlast me in a zombie apocalypse.

    I would eat their free-loving, trusting, kind souls. #Gingerfeast