What are some of the differences between a Hindu yogi, a Buddhist monk beggar, and an American or European hippie? At what point does a hippie transition to bum, or hobo? Seems there should be some authoritave classification, identification guide....like an audobon book, Peterson guide, or that book 'gnomes'. Any insight you can provide will be appreciated.
Note: 'The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test' is an interesting read and CAUTIONARY tale. But should in no way be considered an authoritative exploration and examination of 'the hippy movement'. Try a Ken Burns PBS documentary for that. The Electric KAT is 'just' one journalist authors observation on how Ken Kesey got rich then drove around the country in a bus partying.
And there actually is still a 'nearly' global 'hippy', 'tramp', 'jack kerouak', etc, travelling circus, with rest stops and safe houses and communes and etc...if you look for it. But don't look for it. It's not as easy and glamorous as books and Hollywood make it out to be.
What do hippies do when they get fleas and ticks? Or do they consider that 'communing with nature'? Sustaining their brother and sisters in the animal kingdom?
What is the definitive ruling from the hippy high council on females of the species and bras? For? Against? Pros? Cons? Just curious.
This is another excellent question I thought at first it was to show a connection to Mother Earth only later did I learn that names like these are never given lightly,,.the proud parent(rarely do they know which one is dad)embarks on a hippie quest,,,they imbibe a tasty beverage or edible commune with nature and sometimes lite poles and try to find their child's spirit guide
once one has become hippie one must avoid man made soap and the wasting of mother earths waterto be able to mask the anatural odors this lifestyle choice results in , hippies have adopted a Native American custom ,where the Indians ritually bathed in sage smoke to cleanse their spirit,our hippie friends "bath" in patchouli smoke to both connect with the earth and mask da stink
This is brilliant. Why do hippies feel the need to abandon their children and play guitar on the beach?
I haven't found a drum circle or any other flocks of hippies to poll on this question I did find a cluster of rednecks and asked their opinion,,,they replied"Boobs?""Boobs Good" there was much nodding of heads and spitting of dip I think that means they approve of breasts in and out of Boulder holders
Seemingly, your wisdom and insight into other cultural groups, such as these 'rednecks'? as you call them is vast indeed. Perhaps you could also expound on this 'redneck' clan you speak of? I am curious if 'rednecks' and 'hippies' can co-exist? Form mutually beneficial social structures? Interbreed even? Thank you for your continued research into this fascinating line of study. I sincerely hope they renew your grant, and you receive tenure.
Are hippies allowed to own 'new' cars? Or is there some high hippie council mandate regarding pre-80's Volkswagons? Are they unconcerned with them being German in origin? Or oblivious? Do they have a plan for when 'antique' volkswagon parts are no longer available? Will they fashion some kind of hemp, jute, it sisal harness and yoke and have a donkey or horse pull them from music festival to music festival? Or is that oppressing their brother or sister equine? Can hippies buy AAA (autoclub memberships) or is that an oppressive regime and institution of 'the man'. So many questions. What a fascinating people, I must say.
In my limited research, I have gleaned that the hippie philosophy seems to espouse 'love, free love, community, sharing, and peace'. If this is so......then what's 'up' with 'hippie fights'? What are some of the causes of this phenomenon?
I was wondering who has it easier? European hippies or American hippies? I was guessing that with Europe's lax drug laws, readily available drugs, favorable squatters rights, 'free' to them healthcare, and quite frankly 'amazing' public transportation system, and lack of the seemingly American phenomenon of 'serial killers' and 'bum rushing', that European hippies have it easier? But how do they afford their rail passes? Any information you could provide on hippie revenue streams, and the hippie economy would be greatly appreciated.
The US hippie economy works on the barter system. They usually trade beads, marihuana, and "free" intercourse to obtain basic necessities. Like water, marijuana, bus and trains passes. Hippies are preyed upon by rednecks, who take advantage of their small stature and underdeveloped bone structure. "Grass, Ass, or Cash no one rides for free", is the redneck motto cry when dealing with hippies. Most rednecks are closet homosexuals, so gender isn't a issue.
I wouldn't recommend trying to infiltrate hippie culture. It's a highly contagious lifestyle. Many good men have been lost. The preferred defensive tactic is to drip LSD down the back of a infiltrators neck. Once you have been dosed the hippie indoctrination can begin. It's best to study the hippie from afar.