Under the Bridge...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Imperator, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. *knife goes through me*
  2. *passes gurilla a .44*
  3. *Drops cinder block on Czert.*
    *Throws a few pianos and safes on to be sure.*
    *Sucks ghost up into water bottle.*
    *Throws bottle into corn.*
    Nobody will get that... I hear that there are children in there.
  4. Eats a bunny
  5. *passes gurilla a donut*
    *remembers that he is a ghost*
    *brutally stabs donuts for him*
  6. Seriously. An explanation would be good at the start at the thread. One simple like this;[​IMG]
  7. *Watches as a massive pack of bunnies eat Friz.*
    What a real derp he was...
  8. This is entertaining :D
  9. *passes glow some popcorn*
  10. *possesses .44*

    *picks up*

    *shoots the people on my list*
  11. *Looks as suit deflects bullet.*
    Love this thing.
  12. *possesses bullet*

    *stops inside couch*

    *unpossesses bullet*

    *makes bullet move up and down inside couch*

    *couch dies*
  13. Damn. vlad thanks for the popcorn man. im rooting for gurilla. what about you?
  14. Yeah me too
    Needs butter...you got any?
  15. Having fun gurilla? Lol
  16. *pulls butter out of tree stump* here ya go :D
  17. Thanks
    (why no active topic? :( )
  18. Moved to fan fiction...
  19. *makes note thread to tell ppl where the bridge is now*