Under the Bridge...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Imperator, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. Wat bout fm7?
  2. X-box?

    The only x-box i have is between my thighs 
  3. Makes no sense
  4. *Hands -Deadly- chill pill*
    You may need that...
  5. *moves in a 60" HD LED TV, with a PS3 and Xbox 360
  6. Thanks couch :D
  7. *phones spragga to kill AfterGlow*
  8. Deadly, you know you are a soul, right?
  9. Spragga go back to your corner
  10. Nope, you're still in the cage gurilla
  11. I saw rise of the planet of the apes

    And there were gorillas under a bridge
  12. OI! Get da HELL outta MAH CAGE!
  13. You're welcome...
    *Starts eating sandwhiches made from Gurillas dead body...*
    Tastes like chicken..
  14. *sigh*

    *gets out pocket knife*

    *throws at the back of deadly's neck*
  15. *plants land mines around everyone*
  16. *Rapes deadly in the hole on his neck
  17. *covers eyes*
  18. *Throws body at knife in mid air..*
    *Starts to die and then realizes that troll suit deflected knife back at Gurilla...*
  19. I sat on spragga... does this mean i beat the legendary spragga?