Under the Bridge...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Imperator, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. *Goes to store and buys ghost sucker upper thingy from clerk.*
    Come at me bro!
  2. *catches gurilla's soul and puts it inside an inescapeable cage*
  3. Thank you.

    *walks up to deadly*

    Turn around...
  5. *presses release button*
  6. Eats inescapable cage with guria in it
  7. *Picks up cage and throws it in fire.*
    Burn baby burn!
  8. Did you read? inescapable means you cannot escape!
  9. YESH!!!


    *goes inside deadly's body*
    *turns head all the way around*
    *gets out of body*
    *deadly dies*
  10. Inescapable? Then why the "release" button...?
  11. *Sets down remote with bug colorful buttons from Vlad to play with.*
  12. Gurilla, does I get cookie for my services? :3
  13. Release button releases the giant vat of acid above you.
  14. *takes a piss and completely miss the toilet
  15. Yes... Here... Ghost chip cookie
  16. *presses all the buttons, hears ticking, throws it and hits someone's head*
  17. Łāłāłāłāłāłāłāłā!
  18. Did i see xbox? O.O ill bring bf3 and mw3 :D
  19. *om nom nom* *moves from acid with vampiric speed*