Under the Bridge...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Imperator, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. *Sets up troll trap setter upper trap*
  2. Ruli, now u is too :3
  3. *Puts on anti-troll suit*
    Can't be hurt by trolls :)
  4. Trololol... What's that? OH CRAP!! *snap*
  5. I brought marshmallpws ^.^
  6. H-Help... Me....
  7. *Breaks chains around ankles and feeds his old master, kila, tothe LolWut.*
    *Sets -Deadly- free.*
  8. Must *coughs up blood* troll some more...
  9. I am a llama I already digested all of you how are you still talking?
  10. *kills gurilla*
  11. *sets up Xbox, plays Gears of war 3*
  12. *Soul rises* FREEDOM!!! Let's go haunt some people...
  13. *sets another troll trap*
  14. *Slowly cooks Gurilla.*
    Free mystery meat sandwhiches!
  15. *joins Ruli* so...what does this button do? *presses button that says "DO NOT PUSH*
  16. List to Haunt:


    HERE I COME!!!
  17. *Laughs at young who, while setting the troll trap got caught in my troll trap setter upper trap.*
    Silly noob..
  18. *passes Gurilla his haunting gun*