Under the Bridge...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Imperator, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. Does anyone have any soap?
  2. *shoves lit match down bear's throat*

    Problem solved 
  3. I ate your arm before you shoved it down my throat. Problem solved.
  4. *puts bear back together and revives him cuz...well...I can do that*
    Do it again and you're not coming back
  5. *comes running naked thrpugh the camp, steals salmon and runs*
  6. *trips glow and he lands in the fire*
  7. I'm not a guy 
  8. Damn. *gets up and hugs tod whilst on fire, burning him in the process* :D
  9. *steals all the soap in the camp* nubs 
  10. *apologizes to bearica*
    *sits down feeling ashamed* :(
  11. *steals toilet paper*
  12. Vladtod where you the old vlad ?
  13. Can I have some soap?? My clan doesn't let me have soap anymore because I drop it a lot.
  14. If you pick it up off the ground l. *throws soap on ground*
  15. If you mean "-_-Vladimir_Tod-_-", no I am not, people quit asking me that! >_< I don't like being compared. (Someone is going to say *compares Vlad* aren't they?)
  16. *picks up soap* *cuddles it* VICTORY IS MINE!!!
  17. *puts water on the soap* >:3
  18. *gives more soap* just kidding! :D