Under the Bridge...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Imperator, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. *shoots leopard*

    How about that?
  2. *ban hammers leopard*


    No coming back from that.
  3. Actually, I just had SMOKED SALMON so I'll just throw this leopard out... :3
  4. Muahahaha! I shallz not get eaten today!!
  5. ^_^

    *eats salmon*
  6. Shoots salmon with incinerator2000
  7.  it didnt work
  8. *sets down a few gallons of gas*
    So...who wants to do the honors?
  9. *lights match*

  10. No! Not that! We already have a fire!
  11. Honors of what...?
  12. (awesome thread btw lol)
    Don't drink it either...we dump in on the other fire and... KA-BOOM!
  13. *drinks the gas*

  14. *sits down near the fire and farts really loud*
  15. *backs away from bear*