Re: Uncomfortable Situations by WillyTheDeuce A story is merely a tale of events. Fictional or not it is still a story. :roll:
Re: Uncomfortable Situations by WillyTheDeuce Wow, dude, your job sucks. What is national Lampoons, btw? Is that some old dude movie?
Re: Uncomfortable Situations by WillyTheDeuce Great story bro but I was banking on the man cheating / penny dropping / Margo going off on one scenario and who calls their daughter "Regina" poor girl! Difficult to get laid with a name like that. Girl did well
Re: Uncomfortable Situations by WillyTheDeuce Regina means queen ;0 Maybe she was a drag queen and the condoms were actually hers Psych
Re: Uncomfortable Situations by WillyTheDeuce Oh, how the teenage sluts of this world provide us with the joys of laughing at their pathetically created lives. Ahhhh. Refreshing. Just like the gallons of cum on their faces.
Re: Uncomfortable Situations by WillyTheDeuce Am I the only one concerned for Skippy's safety? He can't possibly survive out there on his own
Re: Uncomfortable Situations by WillyTheDeuce Your stories never disappoint. More, i beg of you, more!
Re: Uncomfortable Situations by WillyTheDeuce He's got the voice in his head to keep him company. He'll be fine.
Re: Uncomfortable Situations by WillyTheDeuce Christmas Vacation? Frog, bro, that is the quintessential Christmas movie. You never seen it? Ugh. I bet that's why you're always so mad. You never get to see good things. Are you a monk?
Re: Uncomfortable Situations by WillyTheDeuce He likely retreated to his home, in the loft of a barn at old man Spencer's farm. The farm animals that raised him likely healed his wounds, and comforted the poor boy as he was likely permanently scarred from watching such violence.
Re: Uncomfortable Situations by WillyTheDeuce Narwhal you must learn to read! He said he wrote a check to himself grabbed some muffins and left, clearly a professional.