Ultimate Osw build

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllll-WAR-lllll, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. 1 CoE, 1 Vol, 1 Castle and rest SDT
  2. A variety of attacks turtles and spy's, but mainly spy's.
  3. HLBC Vol/SoS pure spy.
  4. Tbh pure spies do little more than annoy people unless they have another account with gold to back them up.
  5. Hansel if I had to pick but you need a mix of all the builds to take out the enemy therefore no ultimate build
  6. Hybrid with a few towers
  7. Tower build with big bfa.
  8. Pure spies are the worst build, worth nothing, hide behind DTW all day, a decent hansel with a **** ton in allies, talking trillions, say 500k/500k/3.5m/5.5m. Attack based allies with decent spy BFA so your troops can still **** with anyone.
  9. A Pure Spy
    Will all the EB n EE pots catered towards spying.
    Preferably HCBC
    T5 15 L3 Volaries on HL,
    T5 10 L3 Clockwork Watch Towers, and
    T4 Full L3 SoS on LL.
    It's formidable, and in OSW, can cause serious stress for the other party.

    The 10 CWT is equivalent to 20 L3 Volaries.
    So, if a Pure HCBC T5 Volary Spy was hitting you, they'd start having failed attempts after 7 Spy actions

    But a HLBC T5 Hansel, might be a match here, bcos they have allies, that may overcome the lack of allies on this side. But would require in access of 100,000,000 (100m) spy attack bonus to over come the 10 CWT
  10. My bad for not replying sooner

    Here are my thoughts, Pure spy is completely untouchable so long as they know how to play correctly, don't have allies, don't leave gold out etc. As long as they never have gold out they are untouchable except by other spies, but any number of defense pots will stop that.

    Hansel is vital as well, it can target other hansels, pure spies, and weaker attack builds.

    My personal preference is pure spy, and as for the person on page one who said hansels don't need allies, you sir, are an idiot.
  11. _J-DogPepperSnout_
    •20 colony, 14 coe, 4 changeling, 1 vol, 5 sos, 5 t4 lookout tower

    Att/Def- 6,076,376

    Spy- 525,540

    Spy def- 1,977,396

    I planned all of my alts builds. This account majorly for osw. As the others say...u need a variety if builds. But in my opinion. This is the best single build...being good stats for everything. Good attack and spy def. spy attack is...ehh...good enough if u have pots
  12. P.S. that's my future. Not quite there yet because ironically I'm in an osw right now. Lol
  13. Need more spies or you're not going to be able to overcome most spy def during strips (unless have big spy bfa I guess). Have a hansel alt maybe.
  14. I do. Lol. My alts are built to help me. I'm a varied set with my alts. (Not revealing)
  15. highland volarys, lowland 1 castle, mix of spy towers and SOS to suit your preference PLUS the obligatory lv1 STABLE.

    The stable gives you so many options and is by far the best building in kaw!!

    All in my honest opinion of course

  16. Hybrids get run over both ways I found - lose to both spy builds and attack builds so hard to defend with in osw. I suggest you go either hansel/spy or attack n then play to your strengths of that build
  17. The only person on here it seems with ANY sense of what a good build is, and by good build I mean good for ur family and not some cowardly turtle or pure spy build that is only to protect urself, is J-dog. That my friend is a mature, well though out OSW build. I know it will suit u well. As for everyone else, keep trolling and maybe one day you will actually learn some real tactics from bonafide players if they happen to stumble on your typically senseless forum posts.

  18. If you're talking about surviving a strip I would look at gor-illa ;).

    If you want to be useful with "actions" and not just be a bank I'd look at resilient_0ne.

    If you wish to beat on banks, use att build like red-star or ajax but, IMO just bank in bars, get a lot of eq instead of bfa so it can't be stripped. You can make bank on the other sides spy builds. If they strip u for the garbage ally u use for mp. It didn't cost u more than a few days worth of eb gold at best. They can take u out of the war by pinning u but, that can happen to any build if it's focused on unless u have lb bfa.. Which most ppl do not. Or u enjoy spending real money on xtals.

    My two cents

    As was hinted at here by others, in war plan to have nothing to lose and you won't.
  19. I should clarify.. Some banks keep money out, these are noobs, who use hansels to fund strips and think they can't be found. A true bank won't be effected by the build I mentioned in my previous post, as they use either nobs(sad imo) or keep the fund in pots and or bars.