
Discussion in 'Wars' started by saltyfeet, Dec 27, 2013.

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  1. Lol just like Allison.

    You couldnt come up with a decent comeback if your life depended on it.

    Anyways why don't you say something true? That might actually hurt. All I see is "You've never made a thread and you always fail"

    Clearly don't know what you're talking about.
  2. You're a forum bully goldentroll. Nothing more, and like all bullies, you buckle under pressure, and end up whining and whinging.

    You make me sick. Go somewhere else.
  3. I like to run around town naked
  4. I'm not even close to a bully.

    If you respect me and you're a decent forumer you get my respect.

    Why I "bully" you and op? You're both **** forumers and you disrespected me.
  5. Norma, you suck at posting. See, you single out one person which is incorrect form. For singling out a person, you post on their wall, not a thread. You suck norma, you really do. Your self-confidence is far higher than it should be.
  6. U just a troll golden. Not a forumer, a troll. I cant even say ur a player. If u were, u would be all over my newsfeed by now. Thing is, u aint got the smarts dude.
  7. @ sorry goldentroll. Why would i care about respect you? Who are you? Some forum Tryhard is all.

    I doubt op cares about respect from you either. Kaw more goldentroll. Spend a dollar and buy a propak or something.

  8. Omg he wants respect!!! Lolololol
  9. Says the 10 year old trying to type?

    And this is a username.

    you just openly admitted that I was a troll, why are you still talking to me?
  10. Learn how to spell
  11. Tis is tow u stpell
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