
Discussion in 'Wars' started by saltyfeet, Dec 27, 2013.

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  1. Shut up inferno u noob
  2. @saltylife, golden is not garbage. In your own words, "u r garbage".
  3. You came into forums yesterday.

    Now you're telling me what everybody else thinks about me?

    If I'm garbage you're dog ****.
  4. Requesting forum ban for saltyfeet. Reasons: the name salty feet refers to cystic fibrosis-> offense to many. His Posts are "garbage". His posts are wasting space on active topics board. Bumps his own thread. :D
  5. Yeah u gotta use others words cuz u lock ur own. Loser
  6. @ goldenMoron. Why do you even bother with posting on other peoples threads? Like every single thread.

    Your're not funny
    You're not clever
    You're not insightful or intelligent.

    You're just some low life nobody. Go hit your ebs's or battle list or do something besides fail on other peoples threads all the time.

  7. Learn how to speak English then talk to me.

    Until then you're just a lowlife, nooby, waste of time.
  8. No logic in your reasoning you fool. I didnt say i posted on forum. I said ive seen your threads. What a loser!
  9. @goldentryhard. If it's all such a waste of time, why are you even bothering to read, let alone post on his thread?
  10. Your the one who came overhere golden moron. And if you r here i'll talk to u as i please
  11. What do you mean loser asshat?

    Norma jean forums would be a better place without your posts. And do you know what fail means?
  12. Golden, norma, and salty are all noobs. What are you three trying to prove? Seriously. Golden is somewhat cool, kind of. Norma is just a loser. And salty is 10, maybe 11.
  13. These insults are horrendous.
    I must watch and observe more.
  14. Thanks for waking me up mesco.

    Noobs draw me in...

    Later nubs. 
  15. U should no what a fail is. U ve been experiencing it all of ur life
  16. Nice grammar salty, 4th grade teaching you well?
  17. Mascot the alt wants to be taken seriously awwwww!
  18. @ goldenidiot . It's a public forum. Nobody forces you to read or post. Yet here you are, as always.

    You're the real fool. Like I said. Don't read, don't post, don't bother if you don't like the content or player, yet you always turn up with you're lousy low life posts.

    Chase you post count on your own threads would be better for you, then you wouldn't have to feel subjected to forums you don't like.
  19. Most likely my last post. Here's the meaning of the word "fail" for you idiots. (Norma_jean and saltyfeat)

    to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved: The experiment failed because of poor planning.
    to receive less than the passing grade or mark in an examination, class, or course of study: He failed in history.
    to be or become deficient or lacking; be insufficient or absent; fall short: Our supplies failed.
    to dwindle, pass, or die away: The flowers failed for lack of rain.
    to lose strength or vigor; become weak: His health failed after the operation.
    to become unable to meet or pay debts or business obligations; become insolvent or bankrupt.
    (of a building member, structure, machine part, etc.) to break, bend, crush, or be otherwise destroyed or made useless because of an excessive load.
    to stop functioning or operating: The electricity failed during the storm.

    Read it. But if you read like you type you're out of luck.
  20. It's Mesco, not mascot. Second, if you think I'm an alt, cool. Good for you. At least I'm smart and can form complete sentences. Maybe you have some form of a moderate brain defficiency.
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