Europe could be one of the most influential regions of the Earth again if they weren't kneecapped by the left-wing cucks they fought against 40 years ago.
Actually the right wing populists and nationalosts are the current problem to European resurgence as they threaten the EU, which as akura said is the one redeeming quality left for our continent with regards to global relevance.
England is an Island. We only have a finite amount of room and resources. The small roads are over crowded with traffic, you can't park easily in towns. Good Housing is hard to find and in some places Council Houses are filled with families from foreign countries some of whom's main goal is to save up enough money to buy a house together in an affluent area and then buy the next house, then the next until whole roads are owned by an ethnic community. The NHS is straining under the weight of not just its own National Duty but that of Foreign Health tourists looking for free care. Our defence budget has been cut to accommodate funds used in sending monetary aid instead to other countries. MP's from both major parties were found to be using fraudulent expense claims in their returns. The Police have had to deal with budget cuts due to lack of funds because of redistribution of their budget towards immigration security. There used to be just the Corner Shop. Now there are specific Ethnic grocery stores in almost every town. England may be an Island. But as the coast line continues to erode its edges, it's getting smaller. We need to be more considerate of who we allow in, what kind of resources we can afford to send away and what we can do sustain ourselves as a nation. Everyone else gets to be Patriotic and Nationalistic. EVEN SCOTLAND AND WALES HAVE A NATIONALISTIC PARTY THAT NO ONE SEEMS BOTHERED ABOUT! Right now in the UK being proud of your country makes you offensive. Be British. Be A Bulldog. Be Proud Vote with the heart of your Ancestry.
@ kan, shhhhh you will set the haters and the anti english off again with this talk of nationalism, didn't you no your not allowed to be English in your own country unless you upset the 'new' locals giving them a reason to use their discrimination card because their a minority and 'we' walk around like we own the place, it's not like our ancestors built the nhs for free health care and dental for there children, they built the system so everyone and his cousin can use it and dare us to complain
@kan England isn't an island you twit. England is a country on an island, it Scotland and Wales with Northern Ireland make up the United Kingdom. What exactly is the issue with immigration? If people want to come here work live pay taxes raise families become part of the UK what's the issue ?
Immigration upsets people by taking resources that would otherwise be used for them. Not all immigrants want to do that. I don't think anyone understands Nigel farages idea. He wants a points system, not a complete stop. Yes we have good foreign workers in the NHS. But for everyone one of them, there is perhaps 10 useless immigrants without skills. Why should the people of the UK who have a deep ancestry in that country not be able to vet who comes into our country? I'm sorry but if you move to my country I expect you to be a hardworking, intelligent person who contributes to society. Multiculturalism is not a valid positive for immigration. All multiculturism does is destroy the local people's culture and traditions. While I do not believe in any religion myself and think it is bullcrap. It does shock me how much people oppose Christianity in Britain. Multiculturalism is designed to make the majority of people weaker and the minority strong.
Why is everyone so adamant that we need to stay on the world stage? A governments role is to look after its own people. Not to be a militaristic power that can threaten other governments? The difference between now and WW2 is that now we don't need immigrants and the immigrants from WW2 were part of the commonwealth who we personally owed from our history. We don't owe anything to eastern bloc countries or the EU. we've put more into the EU than taken out. Time to cut our losses methinks We import the majority of our food and drink... Even without immigrants we would have foreign food.
We need to stay on the world stage in order to protect our people. Akura summed all that up quite nicely. Fair points about the world wars. To be honest I was just ranting at the morons here constantly moaning about immigration and having no idea what benefits they have bought to Britain. As for food...well yes but the proliferation of foreign food is massively driven by an increase in immigrant population. Of course it is. Cant argue that isnt a good thing lol, not sure I have ever met a Brit who doesnt like strong european lager and a curry or kebab lol. British food is renowned for being terrible. I would also note that none of the ukippers here have decided to educate us with regard to what UKIP policies are on anything other than immigration. That fact alone speaks volumes. I would echo the other poster who said people should watch the 'meet the ukippers' programme. Have a search for it. Absolutely hilarious yes, but are they fit to run a nation? God no. UKIP wouldnt be fit to run a corner shop. Ironically.
That's a matter of opinion... And what do you class as British food? Fish and chips? Matter of the fact is, the majority of curries sold in Britain are British food. Not Indian. They were invented in Britain for British tongues using Indian spices... I don't think many people really care about immigration from commonwealth countries because those people genuinely have a connection to the British culture and the British values. Furthermore they are already here and have mixed into our culture nicely (due to similar values). Britain doesn't really have that much in common with EU countries though. We are much more like America and commonwealth countries.
And wow if you think kebabs are good food... Sure they taste good. But they are just as bad as McDonald's... Immigration giving us new versions of fast food isn't exactly a positive is it? :lol: If a government wants to defend its people, then it needs to defend our borders. We cannot defend our borders without some control over who enters our country and additional spending on our military (conventional, not nuclear as snp leader said).
Hey guys! Apparently I'm not allowed to talk about wars and angels playing KaW so I'm back on politics. So? Who's winning? UKIP?
While immigration is great for the people immigrating and the country receiving them, I dislike it because of the religious, cultural and social tensions that arise.