I for one plan on voting for the SNP Up here in Scotland the two main political leaders are not it fact Ed Miliband and David Cameron, but actually Nicola Sturgeon and Ed Milland: the Tories hold a solitary Scottish seat in parliament and will likely lose that. My thoughts of David Cameron is that he - by way of reckless spending cuts and austerity is endangering the most vulnerable within society purely so that the next conservative election campaign can claim that it has entirely "fixed" the UK economy: this can be done in a much more progressive way such as that advocated by Nicola Sturgeon which would see a modest 0.05% increase in spending over the course of the next government - which along with the cuts proposed by her would lead to the deficit still falling - although slower and would also allow us not to completely desecrate the principles of the welfare state in the process. -.- Ed Miliband is an incompetent Tory lapdog, and that's why labour will lose over 20 Scottish seats in the general election.
Also in regard the the greens and Plaid Cymru, there moving in the right directions (greens are a bit extreme for me though) The Lib Dems combined worst qualities of labour and the Tories UKIP are not worth discussing as they have no political credibility and will not have any bearing on the election whatsoever.
Ukip may have some racists views and may b clueless but arent 75% of parliment that way. As a english builder with five kids working 90hr weeks to feed,clothe and school them due to my prices bieng pushed down by cheap eu labour sorry but i agree we ukip get em out of our country, i have friends who r out of jobs because building firms have no loyalty to us english i have first hand experiance at what cheap eu labour can do to english familys and
Yes and no. The studies indicate that migrants lower some wages and raise others. It lowers wages of unskilled and semi skilled workers, but has a positive impact on wages overall. Here's a article that refers to several studies in the UK http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/05 ... 09319.html Budget wise, migrants put more into the UK treasury than they get out http://www.economist.com/news/britain/2 ... er-done-us Wages aren't just a problem in the UK. It's a problem everywhere that has rising wealth inequality. Compared to other developed countries, the UK ranks 4th for unequal distribution of income out of the 30 OECD countries in the LIS data set. The US is worse. We rank 2nd. Like the UK, we've got a lot of people that want to blame immigrants for low wages, but they're not really the problem. The problem is the way the economic pie is being split.
Well I remember before migration really took off and How it is now, back then we didn't need minimum wage because you were paid ur worth and then the first big wave of migration hit (2006) ,massive influx of labour and within 2 years wages started to decrease
@bam bam, I can relate to that situation, my father ran his own business for 35yrs ,the last 15 yrs I worked with him, we folded the firm due to being constantly undercut by migrant workers offering cheaper prices, barely making a profit in the last 2 yrs due to this, and we were not the only company this happened to, there were many many others
Hmmm 'UKIP no bearing on the election whatsoever' ...... I think you'll be suprised how many people I know that are fed up with the pathetic choice we have to vote for and the way the EU runs our country. I'm saying UKIP will suprise everyone and I'd love them to hold the balance of power over the enevitable hung parliament were going to end up with.
The EU doesn't run the UK they have laws which we have signed treaties and get benefits from the same as every other member state. Complaining about the EU while supporting ukip is a farce if you wanted to actually effect some changes in the EU, they the ukip meps need to actually show up to votes and take part in the discussions. You can't change something if you don't ever try. On the subject the complaints about the Westminster political mess from ukip is almost offensive they are MEP's who are proud of the fact they don't actually do anything there, but still collect significant salary and benefits.
Whilst I dont think that anyone could deny that parties like UKIP are important to have as part of the political spectrum, you really have very little between your ears if you think they would be even remotely good for this country. What are UKIPs policies on the economy? What are UKIPs policies on the environment and climate change? What are UKIPs policies on social or state run housing? What are UKIPs policies on the planning system? What are UKIPs policies on anything other than immigration? When a country sinks into fiscal depression, the electorate always lurches to the right. It happens everywhere. It is far easier to blame external factors for your personal woes than to look inwards. Immigrants keep the NHS staffed, mcdonalds open and all the rest of it. They rebuilt our country when so many of the British menfolk were slain in WW1 and WW2. Whilst I am supportive of a points based system or stronger checks, there is a need to remain part of a european trading bloc as our importance on the world stage would decrease dramatically if we were on our own. Also, is there a funnier sight than watching UKIP supporters moan about immigrants whilst drinking european lager and eating a curry?
I don't think it's so much a problem of wages as taxes for the lower class. When you combine direct and indirect taxes, the bottom percentage is paying more than the top percentage. This is from the Office of National Statics for 2011/2012 http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2013 ... ax-system/ The bottom quintile is paying a total of 36.6% in taxes while the top quintile is paying a total of 35.5%. The top may pay more in income taxes, but the poor are paying more in indirect taxes. When you look at (b) you see the bottom quintile spent a whopping 29.4% of their disposable income on indirect taxes. When you look at all taxes combined, the UK tax structure isn't very progressive. With all taxes combined, everyone's within about 5% of each other.
Anybody who can say migrants put more into this country than take is deluded, i have workedwith a lot of polish builders some i am gud friends with, but i garuntee u 99% of them send 80% of there earnings home, iv no oroblem with someone wanting to giv there fam a beyter life but dont effect my life or my gamilys doing it, example: i work as a tiler i 2009 i was getting £13 per square meter now i get £9, if i complain i get told so we will just get yhe polish in if u got a prob, u tell me that this is right and just, i have to choose feed my kids or feed myself, also y am i a racist if i fly the georges cross from my house yet pakistanis can fly tgere flag
Bam your english says your either a romanian or a pole, learn english and own a passport to validate your labouring here. Anyway with the state of the uk personally i cant wait for the next vote on indepedence, if im correct then ten/fifteen years and finally scotland will be free, haters will hate but well get it up you cause it'll happen wither you like it or not......Freedom!!!! lol N.I. and the Welsh wont be far off, only way it wont happen is korea or iran start nuclear war.
Be careful what you wish for. May happen. Get out of EU and UK gonna be screwed. You guys should stop being delusional. British Empire is gone. Today UK is just a small country in a big world. A small fish in the ocean.
What future do you see for UK outside of EU? How can UK compete on european markets without benefits of an EU member?
They have no credibility as a political party whatsoever... Their primary objective is to lower migration levels by leaving the EU. Now I can't speak for England - only up here in Scotland - however: in Scotland the rate of workers retiring outpaces the rate of new workers entering the job market, so in essence the country simply COULD NOT function without migration. That coupled with the fact that migrant contribute a net GAIN to the British economy and I believe at least for Scottish voters the only reason to vote ukip is being horribly misinformed or supporting racist views. (Also as for being ruled by a foreign entity without any influence over it - tell me about it: the Tories only hold one seat in Scotland.)
Based on a few individual encounters you far all migrants with the same brush - as you said "deluded" And there's a tiny little reason for lower wages - it's known as a recession. (And austerity contributes)