UK Upcoming Election

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xXx-Falcone-xXx, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. It's time England stood up against Europe and to the rest of the world who see us as a soft touch, stop the leeches, I do believe in helping the disadvantaged the poor and the suffering but not at the expense of my own ppl, charity begins at home England Needs to sort out it's own disadvantaged and poor ppl before even thinking about giving to migrants and other countrys
  2. Being in the eu England has to give 2% of it's gdp to African country's with no idea Where the money goes, that 2% should be on English healthcare and education
  3. I really wish you would stop being an ass, it's the uk, not england. People like you nearly caused our country to break apart last year.

    I don't know where your getting your information from but please stop putting false figures in here.

    Personally I believe that were going to end up with a conservative minority, no coalitions and having to win votes in parliament step by step.

    However, I will be voting ukip, the only party pledged to 2% defence budget (should be closer to 3-4% IMO)
  4. As I said... False information, uk foreign aid is 0.7% of GDP ATM.
  5. Hellboy... If only there were more idiots like you voting, then UKIP would have power.
  6. There are more lol, con/ukip coalition go large or go home
  7. @vize, generally the only ppl who call me an idiot are from migrant decendency or non indigenous ppl
  8. I am neither. Good to see people generally call you an idiot, though.
  9. Lol Yes mainly because of my private school education; -)
  10. You wish. Unfortunately, unlike you, some people don't judge based solely on upbringing and origin.
  11. Lol viz ur too easy
  12. And no I don't wish, I had a great education tyvm lol
  13. Ukip ftw, ty and goodnight lol
  14. Maybe you should use it to look up the real budget numbers. It took me 30 seconds to find out that the real foreign aid figure is 0.7% like Rio said, not 2% like you claimed.

    I got curious so I did a little reading. Apparently UKIP is the UK's equivalent of our Tea Party. They do math like our Tea Party does too:

    "Nigel Farage is going to scrap a tax that collects £110 billion and reduce the top rate of income tax to 40% and then raise the personal allowance by maybe £2,000. The last would cost over £12 billion by HMRC reckoning (and I am being generous here, and rounding down). What that means is he will have a black hole in revenue of well over £120 billion...we already have a deficit of at least £84 billion, meaning that with his additional £120 billion of tax cuts there will be more than £200 billion of savings to find...That’s the question Farage needs to answer because right now his tax policy makes no sense at all and leaves us with either a £200 billion or so deficit or cuts on a scale no one has ever imagined, and someone has to ask what he really means. Until they do we have no meaningful debate in this country." ... EuPNQ.dpuf

    So UKIP's budget plan cuts taxes and creates a shortfall of well over £120 billion. And that's before they increase defense spending like they're saying they will. Granted, that's what they planned last year, but I haven't seen anything that says they've changed their minds. I have found where they plan to get some of the money.

    Ukip would slash Scottish budget to fund English tax cuts ... h-tax-cuts

    They'll just take some from the Scots.

    Nothing I've read indicates that UKIP has a realistic budget plan. It's basically "If we cut foreign aid we can cut taxes and increase spending!" The numbers don't support that. Here's the thing. Political parties can and do make all kinds of promises and tell all kinds of lies. But the one thing it's extremely hard for them to lie about are budgets. It's math. And if they can't do math, they aren't credible. It's that simple.
  15. Ukip is a joke.
    They complain about European rules but when they are elected to the European Parliament they never bother to show up to actually do the job they were sent for. Then proceed to bemoan and whine about the state of the EU. Farrage sat on the fisheries committee and never bothered to turn up to the meetings. The couldn't lead themselves out of a wet paper bag.
  16. Ukip have no intention of putting forward a viable plan, That's not their aim, they have one goal and one goal only, if you can't see that then,well... lol
  17. Ukip is a joke xD ever see that programme "the UKIPers"?
    Everyone they showed started their sentences off with "im not racist but..." And make a racist comment with very little reasoning. Watch it. It's pretty funny :lol:
  18. So your big plan is to vote in a party that has no clue what they are doing or how to lead a country then?
  19. A blind man can see their goal. They're mostly a bunch of racists and bigots. I was just wondering if they could do arithmetic. They can't.