Hes saying only people with similar values should. christian is an extremely broad group of people. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ch ... ominations also he never said anything about non christians not being allowed. just that he dislikes it. a little bit of every religion/culture is good. add too much of everything and only anarchy shall prevail...
The UK is a free country, anyone should be allowed to live and work here despite there religion and ethnicity
Ok! I'm going to immigrate to UK! @NWO_Devil_NWO: in your face! I'm east-european, I'll work better than you and your employer will be happy to kick you out and hire me instead.
Exactly my point. Nobody will fire you as long as you do a good job just to hire an immigrant for £1-2/hour less.
An Englishman may well have corrected you as well if he likes to see a factual argument based on accurate information But I'm not English you muppet I'm British raised in England, I'm proud of my British roots and heritage. What's tragic is that when confronted by your lack of knowledge you attempt to say it's because I'm a migrant showing your bias and ignorance.
@sep, definitely a migrant, no Englishman with more than 3 generations of roots would call them self British
@Septentrio I except the fact that from your point of view this island that we both apparently live on is made up of 3 different countries + Ireland however from my point of view only one of those countries matter. The English man is not allowed to be English, and every time you comment you keep making my point for me.....so thanks.
Kan every time it's the basics you get wrong one island three countries one nation it's really not hard math to grasp try using your fingers to count it may help. I have no issue with England or English people I support England in the rugby and other sports events but the simple fact is this isn't the United Kingdom of England it's the United Kingdom of all its parts. You wonder why there are national parties for Scotland and Wales when you act like you are in some way better or more deserving than they are.
How do people not see that UKIP are just a racist party with no views on anything but immigration? The uk wouldnt function without immigrants, not all of them are bad, but trust me, if UKIP got into power, even those good ones would be deported, or not allowed entry, and the uk would not function
What, no posts from UK players after the big election? It was epic. Three party leaders resigned. Cameron and Sturgeon won big. Seats: 2010/2015 Required for a majority: 323 Conservative Party: 306/331 Labour Party: 258/232 Scottish National Party: 6/56 Liberal Democrats: 57/8 The Tories have a majority for the first time since 1992. UKIP actually got more votes than the Liberal Democrats, but only won 1 seat. They're already calling for proportional representation and election reform. They do have a point. The biggest losers was the polling industry. Nearly every poll predicted the electoral race was neck and neck and too close to call. It clearly wasn't.
Theoretically, the Monarchy acts as a bridge between the parties and provides political continuity, but realistically the Monarchy is basically a figurehead.