UK Labour Leadership: Magician Jeremy Corbyn

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Le-Monkey, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Just how exactly does one make a forum within a forum?
  2. Hmmm. Ive been called a liberal and a facist on KaW. I prefer to be moderate right on economics but I disagree with many right wing views on homosexual marriage and immigration.
  3. Call it independent.

    I'm a Libertarian/Conservative myself.
  4. Quite some judgement frog. I'm sure OP is allowed freedom of speech within the TUO.
  5. Me: Siri, what is TUO?
    Siri: I do not understand TUO.
    Me: Me neither that's why I'm asking you.
    Siri: That was uncalled for.
  6. Were we supposed to laugh u noob
  7. Agree with wythen
  8. Have you ever done a thought forum with your company coworkers or fellow students in a college classroom setting?

    The person who starts a forum is the leader.

    The people who engage in forum are people who discuss ideas.

    That is what forum is.

    Now you see these forums, online, they are online forums- people start what are called threads and are referred to as op, or original poster.

    Literally, you are creating a forum when you create a thread.

    That is why this place is referred to as the Forums.

    It's a special place for thinkers.
  9. OMG, wittle bitty baby is angwy cuz Zethy doesn't agwee wit his stupid ass childish opinions. Waaaah. Waaaaaaaaah. Boo hoo. Grow some balls.

    Also, Grammer equalz impertant.
  10. "Thinkers."

  11. Sad I hurt your fweelinggz because I didn't laugh at your lame attempt at a joke. State of your life now that's funny

    From one statless alt to another your jokes suck and so do u
  12. Mmmhmm. When you write a thread that people halfways like, your point might be relevant.
    Until then...
    You sir are an idiot. And I am not an alt. I am in fact, a statless main.
  13. Lol are u 6? Who would of liked what u wrote no one likes u period.

    And LMAO that's your main over a year playing omg u suck more than I thought and thought u sucked a lot LMAO. Why don't u make a thread how to suck at kaw lololol
  14. FITE ME.

    Let's see who can pee further.
  15. No contest. We all know u pee sitting down gurl
  16. ^You sir, win. You win.

    You obviously are a badass.

    Orrrrr... A Pre Pubescent Teenage Nerd who knows exactly zilch about the world.
    But yeah. Badass too.
    What level are you on CS:GO???
  17. Thanks I know I won it was no contest. Nice of you to recognize my superiority. And yes I'm a bad ass and you are one of the dumb variety. I dont know the game you speak of but then again i dont sit down when i pee either
  18. Is there not a wall somewhere you two can have this contest on? See who can get it highest?

    Oh btw, you lose all sense of maturity when you type "lololol"
  19. That was the sound of him losing the failing contest.
    A drippy, disappointing warbling sound.