UK Browsing Surveillance Bill

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. You guys don't know when to quit. It doesn't look good for you two.

  2. How is saying a woman has a boyfriend homophobic? Seriously? Lol... Just lol.

    Is laughing out loud descriminating against deaf people?

    Can't say that then.
  3. Lol why what're you gonna do about it?

    Oh no!!
    Please don't tell mummy!!!

    Ps. You know your mummy can't report us to the head teacher right?
  4. I win. Byees xoxoxox

  5. @cheese, for when you wake up and stumble through hydras moronic nonsense, I actually agree the TTP could be illegal- any company trading in your country should be subjected to the exact same laws, courts and obligations as any other business in that country, a nations courts are at the heart of the country, and that's where all law should go through. No good comes from international courts superseding national ones.

    I don't see how NAFTA is illegal though?
  6. Wow. Someone is a bit butthurt over legislation that doesn't affect him at all.
    Wonder if he will start posting more obscene pictures to shut another thread down he dislikes.

    As for my being a pig. Any female frogs on here?
    The usual is for a pig and a frog to date right?
    Sorry can't take that seriously.
  7. You talk about us not being in the big leagues, but you seem to forget your country doesn't have the guts to do anything without us holding your hand.
  8. No matter what idiots like eggssy or whatever it's name is says this law is a huge breach in privacy laws.the Internet IS NOT OWNED OR RAN BY THE GOVERNMENT.this is a huge infringement of our civil rights.
  9. My voice isn't owned by the government either, yet when I call a company they record the phone call.

    It's not a breach of anyone's rights as they have to go through a process to be able to access it.

    As I stated earlier the information is limited the the first address, no sub addresses etc are included.
  10. By the same token, the government doesn't own me but I have no problem with them keeping track of which countries I travel to or carrying a passport. They aren't trying to limit what people browse, just have access to the last year's history. Not sure what the big deal is to be honest.
  11. The problem is they take a little bit at a time.
  12. They haven't taken anything, literally nothing
  13. What are they taking. For decades now an unregistered new technology has been allowed to grow and as well as making life easier in some regards.
    It has made networks of predator types far easier.
    It has enabled better communication between terror cells and others intent on breaking the law.
    They have had a free reign until now.
    Laws still protect the data. Cause is still needed to recall the past years data.
    All that has happened is the government has finally accepted it must take action to aid in criminal prosecutions using new technology.

    There is nothing massively sinister about this law.
    There is no aspect that harms any innocent party.
    If it had been implemented decades ago nobody would have blinked and the net would be a safer place.
    The only ones who have anything to fear is the guilty. Those who access data that they know wouldn't be tolerated by society and the laws that govern it.
    This change will go totally unnoticed by the significant majority of Internet users in the UK.
  14. All leading economic nations have been storing and tracking all electronic transactions for at least twenty years now in preparation for the installation of the planned one world government, don't worry, it won't hurt lol.
  15. 

    Careful, they might send the SAS after you for comments like that
  16. " those who trade Liberty for security shall deserve neither "

    Ben Franklin
  17. " in politics nothing happens by accident, if it does happen you best believe it was planned that way "

  18. I agree 100% with that.

    However there is no rights being taken, no Liberty being given up, nothing.
  19. VPN is a beautiful tool.
  20. @rio,

    My meaningful contribution is on page 5

    I'm not young any more like hydra, so I don't have the vigor to fight to convince you or prove you wrong. Wish I did.

    Anyway, my comment is there. Take it or leave it. I honestly don't care. You're gonna go on believing what you want no matter what I say.