uaepower agnist ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by uaepower, Jan 21, 2013.

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  1. No need for thread and words. Prove it with actions. ZAFT don't care a bit about thread like this. You're not proving anything here.
  2. Iam not sure how to make screen shot iam using iphone. But sit cozza fully ponned.
    Magicstick from zaft faith no more sdp. The shaken full pinned. I atk all zaft member even there is 9 hitting me everday
  3. You have 856 losses and an ally. I'm thinking ZAFT doesn't really care about you as much as you want to believe they do lol!
  4. I had one ally, and last time i had checked that already have it.

    Iam very small for zaft but they declare war on me nothing i can do. Iam farming zaft genesis because they have people on my state but iam still getting hit from people at zaft corp like donald_ duck and harbinger of wrath
  5. Uaepower, bragging about burning someones defence pots while they're in a OSW is no great feat, try making that claim after they're done fighting another large war clan, all your bragging isn't due to you being a strong warrior it's due to you being a stupid noob.
  6. LMAO exactly Cynder, BTW a little off topic but I'm looking forward to your next apology thread, should you ever choose whomever you attack next to make one.
  7. No wonder he is clanless :lol: he doesn't stand a chance.
  8. See people zaft is not as awesome as you think. They farm people for nothing.zaft sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks
  9. I farm people for nothing. It's a war game. Come at me bro
  10. I left my old eb clan because zaft is retard they willl farm whole clan that why iam clanless. But iam telling you that iam still fighting even if my effect is small.
  11. Uaepower is not clanless anymore
  12. Nice 1 vengful ^____^

    still there is smile in 1 side war
  13. Ran over a half bar on you uaepower, only failed 3-4 times and you have Mith on and have 13them pots tho 0 sdp, not gonna be long before you're potless and allyless with no gold self pinning on EBs like yellow does.
  14. Again stop trying to pm me either say what you have to say in my wall for all to see or on here, don't try to hide and ask for cf in my pm, if you hide in pm you're hiding behind a system and thus can't judge who hides behind what in this game.

    Step up and be a man/woman and say what you gotta say, or you can apologize for saying zaft hides, your choice.
  15. Can you learn grammar please?
  16. Don't be so picky it's kinda hard when you can't control your hormones.
  17. Iam not trying to hide anything, when i pick some zaft player and let them reach dtw, you start to atk me. I cant afford that. I just want to have CF with you atm because i have nothing aganist you. And you nothing aganist me. ( unless u are zaft)
  18. "Now, here on this ragged patch of earth called Kingdoms at war, Noob hordes face obliteration! Just there the barbarians gather, sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers, knowing full well the horrors they suffered at the swords and spear of one ZAFT warrior. Soon they stare across the plain at 800 ZAFT warrior commanding hundreds of free Warriors! Ho! The enemy never fought a war. This day we rescue kaw from noobs, spammers and big mouths, and usher in a future brighter than anything we could imagine. Give thanks, men, to Laoda and the brave Zafts! To victory!" ZF
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