Full support,philosopher your a **** mothering genius and I support all of these ideas fully.this should have happened a long time ago,especially the full troops at 5 min left,but in all honesty 5 min is a very short window,I'd change it to 10 to give clans a moment to organize and call out precise hits.Reason why is that the members would look at the last 5 min and start to panic and hit ppl,giving and extra 5 would help leaders organize members.But all in all great job:33:
Also instead of a flat 50 and 20 for each KO,make it 100 and 60,in the last 10 it would help losing clans get over an opponent that's leading,and it would sit better with most people.
These ideas basically rip apart organized clans so that loosing, unorganized clans(in most cases) can come back and win by element of surprise.
I highly doubt that in most cases the losing unorganized clans would win. Also, real war has an element of surprise, so I am not sure why putting it in EE wars is necessarily a bad thing. My intention is not to rip apart any clan, but try to change the game to be more attack-oriented rather than scout oriented.
Yeah, I kind of like the idea of having a big brawl right at the end. After all, this is a war game, and people want to hit. 10 min left would be fine as well.
I am kind of grouping assasinations and scouts together as Non-plunder producing acts. Indeed both assainations and scouts dwarf the number of attacks and steals. However, I feel weakening both assasinations and scouts is a too dramtic change, so I opted to just weaken scouts.
No support it would make the devs put lots of money in just so that the attack builds are more powerful. Plus there are holes in your ideas like what if there the KOed person doesn't even have 50mil plunder to give up?!
Also, it would be very hard to take out builds if you take out scouts/reduce them...destroys the whole system
Assassinations kill troops and spies, and they destroy SDP. They do a LOT of damage. And devs said the war plunder will be based on the amount of damage you do. I am sure that even if there were no scouts, you would have had the same result, since scouts do relatively little damage and generate such small plunder. You can easily test scout plunder versus assassination plunder during a war. Have you ever thought to perform this test to see if your theory holds?