TVP Farmers Fix

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SE-Phoenix-SE, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. And you will receive compensation if you actually put forth effort into the war. This prevents tvp farming and inactives who still cast mith won't get mith return.
  2. i agree with the idea you get how many mith you casted.
  3. Aries not one time didn i complain nor even say i had a recollection of being matched with a tvp clan. Read the op before you type something that makes you look incompetent.
  4. What if WOC was a bundle package. It would cost 14 mith and come with all the basic mith spells.

    At least that way you would have to invest the mith to participate.
  5. Nice thread!! And support
  6. @Epic That seems to be a legit fix. Support!
  7. @jemo, what about those who don't have all spells unlocked? And woc is casted far far before war so spells might run out
  8. What if they track really good
  9. I still think the losing side should be able to get mithril back. I think they should put min action requirements. Do not even have to successful action just a set number of action.
  10. @dragon, that's strategy not mechanics sry

    @green, they still can get mith back...did you read the op? It states so in 1/2 the whole post
  11. im sure i read somewhere that devs will be removing tvp in season 3. Sorry if its been mentioned before i only read to page 2
  12. I think if you lose you should just receive back 50% of what you spent. There should still be a loss. Plus having a greater loss means that people will take it more seriously and try harder.

    Atm a loss is no big deal. I understand that's incentive so people aren't.afraid to war, but if there's no loss then no one cares.
  13. Or.... In a war and you lose in tvp you can earn as much mithril as you put in, say you lose and cast 30 mith, then in tvp you can earn a max of 30, while you still have a chance of earning 15 or so
  14. @miss, that just takes too much away from the loss factor cast 50 and still get 25 back.

    @dragster, that completely defeats the loss factor lol
  15. No. You do tvp and earn back as much as you put in. That's exactly why Devs made tvp, to help people earn back some mith for the next. They could make it that you earn as much as you put in at a max of 14
  16. What do you mean it takes too much away from the loss factor?
  17. @dragster, but a possibility to win back all your mith, like 30? That's what some ppl make off of wins 

    @miss, i just feel 50% is too much. Like i said you'd get back 25 mith if casted 50, and if you won that war you'd have received much more. The opportunity cost just doesn't add up for a "war game".
  18. A loss is necessary though. ATM losing is nothing. We saw the issue with the zaft clans not wanting to fight each other which is fair enough. But either team didn't lose a damn thing.