TVP Farmers Fix

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SE-Phoenix-SE, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. The system is broken. The developers acknowledged that the GH mechanic was a flaw. SOS level 1 is the exact same thing as GH. So people are just using a broken system to win.
  2. Yep they are the suckier team and need to get better.
  3. I did see something about the devs working on removing TVP for the losing clans. It's probably because of TVP clans. IMO it's war. If you wanna war you gambling that mith. You either win more mith or you lose the mith you used. One of the things that makes war so fun is the excitement of gaining more. And what makes you play harder is the fear of losing your mith and dropping ee bonus lower. But TVP lowers that fear.
  4. Really? So when devestation and chronos war and chronos loses by 500m chronos sucks?

    Say yes to that I'm done talking to you.
  5. Zorkay. I hear nothing. Phoenix. I speak nothing. Therefore, what I say anf what I hear must be the same. But it isnt. Only geniuses understand.
  6. Ikr, shol, @@ I dnt hve to merc out for war If there's pvp gear..
  7. I think the devs have stayed for s3 that losing clans will not get Tvp only no match
  8. On the subject on first page sc brought up u can't do 2-4 tvp before spells run out u have to have vision spell to get past first phase spell lasts 30min so if u started it soon as possibly could lets say 1 sec after spell starts eb then takes 15min to start no even if xtaled eb out in 2min spell only has 13min left new eb takes another 15 to start looks like ur ff the second tvp cuz u can't get past phase 1
  9. Do I want the equip? Yeah but I'd rather earn it.
  10. Supportī€Ž
  11. Just do a mith refund give the ones who do t.v.p the mith they casted for war
  12. Ib/gh rosters are gaming the system to get eazy matches.i now support clans using tvp.same as gaming the system for eazy wins.both are shity but hey everyones doing it right?
  13. Bump because there is other thread on at that needs depth lol
  14. Just a few thoughts. Should not EE/Chaos wars be equal and fair to any and all who choose to participate? TVP was introduced as an incentive to get clans interested. It seems to me the focus here should be on fixing the root problem, not removing the incentive.
  15. I didnt read most of this.. but I dont think it should matter if there are tvp farmers. If you dont want your mith payout ruined then its your job to stay outside of the tvp farmers range. Its a win win if you can do that.
  16. @ Schizo, it is attempting to fix it. It is not removing loss compensation all together.

    @ice, then read the whole thing because what you said really didn't have much to do with the op
  17. @Phoenix: it is the "loss compensation" that IS the incentive
  18. No Support. TVP farming isn't an issue. These guys aren't making more than 14 mith. Really not hurting anyone. And you get a free EE lvl out of that whole transaction.

    I dont support the tvp farming because it's an exploit. But these guys are workin a lot harder to recieve minimal mith.

    Maybe they should remove TVP and just give losers that same random amount of mith as TVP.

    You gotta also ask yourself. How did a serious ee clan get a matchup vs a TVP clan??

    Tvp clans usually lack static defense, and CS overall so look at your own crappy roster before getting mad about being matched vs TVP farmers
  19. Lets as a "kaw-munnity" focus our efforts and threads to fixing the horrid "match up system", rather than removing the incentive to smaller clans.