TVP Farmers Fix

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SE-Phoenix-SE, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Yes it would only be the said 14, the thirty they casted would not be added onto it. But if they did exceptionally well there is a very small chance they could gain some, but 99/100 times the case would be them losing mith, but sometimes not losing as much or even losing more.
  2. Losers should get 50% rounded down for what they casted. Simple as that.
  3. Not trying to say i have the ultimate system the devs should use, but i feel mine gives a more logical approach to the system. Because if you get 50% back of what you casted that defeats the severity of the losses you may sircome to.
  4. Why not just give them wat they cast up to 14 mith ... Simple u cast 14 u get 14 losses from war come from pots used and lost

    If u over cast too bad so sad u lose mith
  5. Read the second post on page two
  6. Why give the sucky players mith? There is no point. I say just remove TVP completely.
  7. Phoenix bro, I think the devs are already taking TVP away from losers. I think it's in one of their previous threads.
  8. Yeah look at the Release Timeline thread. At the bottom I think they mean losers won't be getting the EB anymore.
  9. @ zorkay not all suck, some do good and get no credit

    @liquid i don't recall seeing this anywhere...and I'm in forums everyday (yeah I'm addicted lol)
  10. phoenix no its not the devs fault, the drop all equip so no bfe at all so = no match
  11. Look in the news section.
  12. @ SC i didn't know you could do that lol my bad

    @ zorkay...umm, am.i looking for something in particular? Because i don't see anything regarding tvp
  13. The release timeline thread or whatever it's called. The Tvp part is at the bottom.
  14. Release Timeline thread in news. It's there! They're taking it out! That's what I meant earlier.
  15. @ zorkay well i am proposing the same thing so perhaps they can use this thread to help brainstorm some idea's
  16. No they should just remove the entire thing. If people suck and don't win wars, they shouldn't be rewarded.
  17. Once again, not all ppl suck some are good but warred with others who do not. Is it so hard to grasp?
  18. Yes. If people are good, they should not let others drag them back, and they should go find other people that are good and be rewarded. If they suck, they shouldn't be rewarded for there suckiness and have an incentive to improve.
  19. So when 2 well renowned ee clans get pinned up against each other in war the losing side automatically sucks?