TVP Farmers Fix

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SE-Phoenix-SE, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Hello KaW,

    Today i came here to address an issue with the EE war system, the TVP(The Vanished Paladins) farmers as i would call them.

    TVP Farmers:

    We have all seen these clans. What they do is sign up for war and than they "throw" the match, in other words they do not try and they attempt to lose. What they gain from this is the ability to do TVP and receive 10-15 mithril without any effort other than hitting the EB.


    Remove TVP from the losing system of the war. Now i understand the losers should receive compensation for their efforts, in an attempt to remove TVP farmers from the picture TVP most be removed. In order to do this a new system for losing must be created, this system consists of compensation of mithril like TVP but, it is taken directly from your performance of war. I will explain my "system" a little later.

    No Match?

    TVP will stay in place for those who received a "no match" war. As they still made the roster and were prepared to war, they need some kind of payment for what they planned to do.

    My System Plan:

    Disclaimer: this is just an idea, the system may be very different upon the devs algorithm.

    Say in a war you received a total of 100 mithril. You casted 30 mithril in spells before the war, which went to your winnings. Through your performances in the war you won 70 mithril (the other 30 came from what you casted). So in a losing situation the spells you casted do not get added to your winnings. Assuming you did good enough to earn 70 mithril due to losing it would be multiplied by .25 or 1/4. This would give you 17 mithril assuming you round down (greedy devs lol).

    But wait isn't 17 more than from TVP? Yes it is...but from winning you would have received 100 i think that is justified and overall more fair for those who performed very well.

    The equation would look like:

    A - B x .24

    A=Total mithril that would've been earned from winning.
    B= amount of mithril in spells casted before war.

    Thank you for reading my idea i appreciate any support or criticism :) feel free to discuss.
  2. I do think the mith system needs a bit of tweaking
  3. Hmmmm, seems interesting, I like it
  4. The devs said they will be monitoring this :/ and if caught there will be a punishment.
  5. This is the way I look at it when I match up to one of these clans.

    Free mith. It's just like an EB, where you just pound them, and you get tons of mith afterward.
  6. ummmm theres people who aim for no matches as well, they can do 2-3 maybe even 4 TVP before the spell runs out.

    Its the KaW way to exploit every weakness get on board bro 
  7. You actually make more mith when they fight back, and they should not get free mithril.
  8. Yes SC that is true, but what can really do about them? They put the roster together and it's devs fault they got no match tbh.
  9. Wasn't the original point of the TVP being given to the losers to let them get back the mith they spent?

    If my memory isn't lying to me, then wouldn't it be easier just to return mith used with a cap of 14?

    Edit: 14*, not 16
  10. Hence the new system a few of us are working on ;)
  11. Now shol that is possible but i like the idea of the losing players who still contributed a ton to be able to win a little or make back a little more. Yes i know losing a war is even less profitable than winning, but this is mithril not raw currency (gold)
  12. It is stupid to remove tvp, cause tvp farmers don't do any harm to the opponents. They just slowly make small amounts of mithril, who cares?
  13. That would be nice, make up for some of the wasted pots, lol. If only we had the devs' mith dropping formula to look at so we could figure out how to best fit this idea into the current system :lol:
  14. Because they're gaming the system to progress in KaW. Kinda a dick move.
  15. Idc! I only want pvp gear,
  16. Should have to work for it then:p

    Plus wars where your opponent just rolls over and plays dead are really no fun at all.
  17. Yea devs gimme the damn mith formula lol ;)

    But .25 i know is not the BEST multiple for my formula it just seemed decent for the thread imo
  18. Specifics are for the devs, we have to let them do some of the work at least, right? We do the thinking, they do the math :lol:
  19. Do you mean the losers earn 14 30 = 44 mith or just 14 mith from losing?
    If you meant 14 mith, since they had lost hence, they should still lose some mith, I would support this idea :D