TURN OFF new Attack Pots Petition

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ShadyMarine, Jun 10, 2014.

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  1. Drinking dev kool aid makes u change colors in forum. How exciting.

    No new pots, improves nothing game is made worse by having them.
  2. Support, mids got screwed once again
  3. No support. May help eb players get involved in pvp.
  4. My congratulations devs. A pot that destroys all tower builds and totally overpriced pvp.
    Are you freaking nuts?
    We can all whack lb now. Months of builds are obsolete. War requirements will be completely revised eat toying builds. Sh will have an easier time with these stupid pots.
    But who will want to war when one action costs 50mil for a pot we already pay enough to war and pvp. Now you give us build destroyers that make it impossible for anyone who isn't build complete or bluntly paying to play to afford the luxury of wasting all their gold on these.
    Oh except the Sh who don't bother growing, which will now be able to hit anyone they like whilst still paying like crap. Seriously what were you thinking. How can we make pvp totally unattainable

    Btw termite read above. How will making players spend 50 mil a hit pvp when they can eb for free ?
    This does the exact opposite.
  5. Oh no it cost more gold. Give players a better attack pot. May get brave an find the bl. Get a taste of blood and enjoy it. This is kingdoms at war. I make more off pvp and osw compared to.most ed.
  6. Support.
    These pots are good only to defeat the purpose of towers hence helping SHs(again, as always).
    Plus, the obvious objective is to increase sales on those seals...
  7. Support️
  8. I don't mind this update. Yay more spy attack pots for me to use on people with ridiculous SDT to help with strips! Anyway it's 50m that's literally like 1 attack in high tier Ebs as well as PvP depending on who you hit. Just buy 1000 of em and use em when needed; or don't buy them at all ;) no one is forcing ya.
  9. No support, what's the point? It actually allows the game more of a challenge and more fun. If you want defence I'd say go but more ADP and a towers
  10. No support. Primarily because the whining about devs bandwagon is getting full, and a tad sickening. Also petitions are getting tiresome. How about a "Shut down the kaw servers and silence the whiners for good" petition?
  11. No support. Tower builds should die. They are annoying and boring and exploitive really. Lololol
  12. Petition to remove new pots all together
  13. I think this was supposed to be part of PVP update tbh...I'm not sure tho
  14. just wait a week(or more), why do people always need to rush things?
  15. If I get a refund then support
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