TTL's CF to IA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LaPhera, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. GOOD JOB IA proud u brothers and sisters
  2. Awww Sneakbo had to drop build. What a lil wittle cutie patootie

  3. Aww thanks baby ;)
  4. Lock Please
  5. What the hell did I just read? I thought I was the only one baiting ppl with alts....

    /end sarcasm
  6. Awwww look its a whittle drop build!
  7. Dropping build means I can farm with my bombs
  8.  get him red
  9. Calling out IA bombs. Silly wittle nooby.
  10. Pwease don't hurt me.

  11. Is it too late for me to call you and your alts out? We can see who out-alts who. 
  12. how did this get so off topic? Thread has served it's purpose and is no longer needed. Locking per OP request
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