Trump's Big Ban

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The_Big_Bang_Theory, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. Your stupidity is beyond embarrassing. Humiliation tactics are typical liberal tactics? Remind us all again who spent eight years claiming the president was a Muslim, not a US citizen, a dictator coming to get your guns, calling his family monkeys, the list goes on and on. The last election shows how clueless and hypocritical the Republican base is.

    Clinton was corrupt because she gave speeches to Wall Street. Trump has six Goldman execs in his administration. Clinton was corrupt because her foundation accepted donations from foreigners. Trump's doing personal business with foreigners while holding office. We need to see Clinton's emails, taxes, foundation records, speech transcripts, and anything else we want. We don't need to see anything from Trump. He's a private citizen. That list goes on and on too.

    Conservatives wet their pants over Sharia law. Yet these same people have no problems with passing laws against gay marriage and abortion based solely on their Christian beliefs. What's the difference? Trump's whining about Democrats saying they may block his SCOTUS nominee without even knowing who it is. The GOP just did the same thing. Hell, they said they'd block anyone Clinton nominated if she won. The GOP spent eight years telling Obama we were broke so we couldn't spend money building infrastructure to stimulate the economy and that it wouldn't work anyway. Now suddenly it's an effective policy and we have plenty of money to do it with. Hell, we now have plenty of money to spend on everything the GOP wants to do. Where is it coming from? Conservatives spent eight years blocking and obstructing everything they could without caring if the American people were hurt by it just so they could try and claim Obama was a failure. Now suddenly it's "we all need to support Trump and stop being so divisive". Dream harder. You set the standard. Don't whine about it now.

    The level of conservative hypocrisy and ignorance is stunning and a major reason why I haven't voted for them since 2000. You think the outrage against Trump is vocal now? You haven't seen anything yet. Trump's doing something Clinton couldn't do. He's uniting the left. Buckle your seat belt. There's a rough road ahead.

    One more time. Can any of you Trump supporters explain exactly how this ban makes us safer? Don't just say it does. Explain HOW. You're supporting the policy. Explain how it's supposed to keep America safer.
  2. All I want is a country that isn't bogged down by censorship, true freedom of speech. To believe in what ever I want without anyone forcibly trying to convert me and be able to live in a country of true equality. I know it is a dream land but I'll settle with something closer to that, then what we're currently seeing of a number, safe to say crap of what both people and the media is doing these days.

    But yes I am sure I'd rather something like Austrian boarder security they only let people in they need. ie if there is a shortage of doctors they pick and choose the best doctors around the world they want to be apart of their country. What trump had done is a step closer to regulating the boarders.

    The ban itself is more of a safety precaution against danger zone areas, I haven't exactly read up on what all the commotion is. But from what I've seen that's all it seems to be, before people decided to throw the trump a racist on top of it.
  3. No wonder your name is potato.

    I haven't seen any supremacy on here or belittling of a race. No one said their race is better then another. So yes, please make sure you never come here.

  4. Most of the people mad at Trump are NY and La hippie neoliberal college students or graduates, that are supposed culture vultures according to blacks. Kids that cry on yelp when their spinach and pineapple pizza isn't crispy enough. A group of people that are are hell bent on changing everything from simple things as color for baby clothes and what kind of toys they sell for kids, that are obsessed with "gender neutral". America has gotten soft, parents stick video games in their kids faces and they throw tantrums when they can't pass the level, now they are doing the same in real life. A group of people that is obsessed with globalization. Nobody is scared of these people and they will never run a country. They can keep sipping their Starbucks with extra whip cream and eating veggie burgers.

    Secondly, ISIS leaders have told their people to disguise theirselves are refugees to sneak into these countries. Do you know immediately how many refugees were affected by the ban? 20,000. Can you tell me you are 100% sure after ISIS has told their followers to become refugees that not one of those people is one?
    They have already said that the ban will not prevent green card holders from entering the US.

    Honestly if it was up to me I would let the liberals and cities reap what they sow and let them have all these people. Just make sure they stay in your states where the people want them. NY and Massachusetts seems to not have learned anything over time. So let them have what they want. No government aid or funds.
  5. Op is a dumb ignorant fool. Believing everything the media throws at him. Look at the real france, belgium, sweden, germany and even england and youll see hpw bad muslim immigration is. Tell me, how you would like your, god forbid, daughters and granddaughters to be accosted everytime they are in public by these pigs just because they're female and not staying home unseen and quiet?
  6. Practically baseless hate speech derived from and overdose of fake/populist news. Cite some credible sources, or I am afraid that you are simply not in any way credible.
  7. Trump seems to think that Christians are 'better' than Muslims regarding their right to access America. It is simply mass discrimination, supported by the misinformed. Remind you of anything?
  8. This executive order has given extremist groups an opportunity to target a seemingly anti-Islamic west via propaganda.

    They are having a propaganda field day with this racist/sectarian move.

    Most Islamic terror attacks are home grown. You are allowing anti-Western sentiment to grow, through the fervent support of this bill.
  9. I earnestly doubt that ISIS beat anyone at predicting the polls, I mean you got a guy whos been saying he was gonna do this for a long time and literally no one expecting he would win. I can imagine terrorists are wise enough to at least attempt penetrating the border before their locked out for good, which after this they will be. The past two months have been their last chance to get in. Hopefully the current vetting system prevented what it could, I still wouldn't necessarily call this action precedented but Im not going to throw a fit over it. Yes it severely inconvenienced some poor peoples daily lives but I have seen no news of any sort of physical harm befalling these people as a result of the ban. I dont expect to.. The world is going to keep on turning. Just like it has since Nov 8th 2016. Just like it will be on January 31st of 2018. And the many following years to come.
  10. That's such a stupid argument "the world is going to keep on turning"...
    Considering that the world just "kept on turning" after the Holocaust/Crusades/Armenian Genocide, doesn't really make your argument any more valid tbh
  11. Mate you are totally clueless. I assume you can't wait to see that wall, right? And at the same time you want austrian border security. Well guess what!? Austria have no border security lol.
  12. Dont be so nearsighted. This aint the holocaust. No need for this drama.
  13. Wow! Well played, sir.
  14. If you truthful believe Austria has no boarded security I don't know why I'd even bother speaking to you. They are one of the hardest to pass though when entering the country...
  15. Somebody that easy to impress must be a Trump supporter.
  16. Dude have you ever been in Austria? :) I was... Several times. Only for couple months, exceptionally, they have border checks at Hungarian and Slovenian border. But that's it. Just random border checks. Austria is in Schengen space which means exactly that: open borders.
  17. How do you know? Did you have lunch with all of them them or is that one of those "alternative facts" that Trump thinks people are stupid enough to believe?

    Trying to sneak in as a refugee would be the stupidest way to try and sneak in. Refugees get the most scrutiny and the process takes months and even years. We've been taking in Syrian refugees for years. We've had ZERO attacks by any refugees. Stop wetting your pants.

    Well, if it were up to me, I'd pass a law that says a state can't get more federal funding than the amount of federal taxes they pay and I'd let all the poor Red states reap what they've sown. In case you didn't know, Red states are the biggest freeloading welfare queens.

    "For fiscal year 2013, which is the latest year for complete data...The 10 states receiving the most in federal aid as a percentage of their general revenue, in order, were:

    Mississippi, 42.9%
    Louisiana, 41.9%
    Tennessee, 39.5%
    South Dakota, 39.0%
    Missouri, 38.2%
    Montana, 37.4%
    Georgia, 37.3%
    New Mexico, 36.6%
    Alabama, 36.1%
    Maine, 35.3% ... ederal-aid

    If America needed an enema, Mississippi is where they'd stick the hose in. But hey, at least they still have their confederate state flag to brag about, bless their hearts. In case you missed my earlier post, here's some more bad news for you:

    "the less-than-500 counties that Clinton won nationwide combined to generate 64 percent of America's economic activity in 2015. The more-than-2,600 counties that Trump won combined to generate 36 percent of the country's economic activity last year." ... b577a311b0

    The fact is, you need all those "NY and La hippies". They're the bulk of economy. They create the jobs. They pay the bills. Trump damn sure doesn't. He hasn't paid any federal income taxes in years. Why do you think he refuses to show them to anyone? He's one of those takers y'all supposedly hate.

    Anything else you need cleared up?

  18. The fact that you mentioned the holocaust is amusing since it's what Islam wants. If these Islamic countries weren't checked Israel and Judaism would be wiped off the face of the earth. Yet you are here defending that same religion...ironic.
  19. You quoted the wrong person. I didn't mentioned the word "holocaust".