Trump's Big Ban

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The_Big_Bang_Theory, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. I'm not from America, So I dont have much to say. The news I read in a article, clearly stated that Trump had banned few countries Islamic religion people to visit America. I dont know how banning people would help in countries growth, but hope He got something better coming up next for both America and its allies.
  2. That's only partially true. The scientists who developed the bombs and worked with radiation already had an understanding of radiation poisoning and ways to treat it. Rather than help the afflicted people in Japan, the scientists continued to study the effect of radiation on the dying people.
  3. It would have taken over a day to even take aid to them and the 2nd bomb wasn't dropped till 3 days after the first how many would have even need help by then? Nearly all would already be dead (that are going to die) O that's if the clear out of the area if they keep living in the radioactive area they will keep dying
  4. The book of Deuteronomy is from the old testament. It is too often quoted out of context, whole book of Deuteronomy is moses speaking to the Israelites. Jesus left a lasting impression in the new testament that we are to love and not judge. He didnt say that all future generations should stone gays. Dissapointed that someone whos
    would misquote it this way.
  5. Are you sure about New Testament being about love?

    "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34. New Testament.
  6. And it's about killing someone for having a different faith I'm quite sure that christians caused way more victims. This while killing people for having a different faith was the official church policy.
    Moreover... Muslims tolerated christians churches on their territories for centuries. In Jerusalem catholics, greek orthodox and armeninans was left in peace for centuries. They wasn't stopped to take care of Holy Grave church. For centuries,the Capitol on Orthodox Chruch was in Constantinopole (today Istanbul) on Turkish territory. There's almost 600 years since Orthodox patriarchs (the Pope equivalent) have their residence on a muslim territory. Quite a lot of tolerance coming from intolerants don't you think?
  7. yayyyy my religion is super right and not at all bogus or hypocritical and everyone elses is (giggle). thats why i can ignore all the violent parts in my book but like harp on anything suggesting violence in another (wink)
  8. The difference between children believing in Father Christmas, and adults believing in god.

    Children grow up and realise it's just a fairy tale.

    Religion has and still causes more deaths than any other source of human intervention.

    If you cannot and will not integrate into a society you choose to move into, then that society should not have any responsibilities in accommodating you.

    Those who migrate have the responsibility to make the effort to change and embrace the culture of where they move to.
    If you have no desire or willingness to do so. You have no right to go there.

    The single biggest issue with immigration is those who think they deserve special treatment and think a society should change to embrace them.

    The reality is that most migration occurs due to economic reasons, and no nation should be required to solve the problems of other nations citizens not. Wing able to support themselves.

    Each and every nation on earth should first seek to be self sustaining and prosperous for its own population.

    Globalisation helps a limited few get rich.
    It does not keep profits and spending and taxes at home. It does not create long term jobs for the local populace.
    It creates overpriced products that more often than not the people who manufacture those items in 3rd world nations cannot afford themselves.

    And with continued globalisation and technology taking jobs away from established markets. Less people will have the means to purchase such items.

    It is about time that nations looked at themselves again, if you don't support your own people who will pay taxes and pay for your nations success ?

    China's wealth has come from a world buying made in china. Imagine how much your nations would have prospered if those products were made at home.

    Trump may be an idiot and noob on the political scene.
    He is brash and does not think through his initial thoughts prior to making his opinion known.

    But in some respects he is right that America ( and all nations ) need to look inward again.
    His motives may not be that which we would all desire.
    But the end goal he seeks will benefit America and its allies more than people realise.
    His advisors and other nations leaders have shown he is willing to compromise on his personal beliefs and ideas for the greater good.

    For all his failings he is new and eager. Many of the concerns about him seem over hyped by a press that hate him.

    I wouldn't vote for him myself on what I saw leading up to the elections.
    But he is the Potus. People need to give him a chance to manoeuvre and make his policies clear.
    And world leaders need to engage with him to secure the best possible foreign relations.

    Whether you like or hate him. He is what we all have to deal with.
    Far more than complaining and protesting, people need to learn how to work with the situation they have. And get the best from it.

    Quit whining and deal with it.