Well you are wrong again they are funding them yes but it's not like they knew America is funding them as well by buying oil under a several companies that ISIS created to sell the oil we didn't know just like they didn't know
Also Thanatos in my state and the majority of states gas prices are cheaper and all the oil from the pipelines isn't going to America it's going to Canada so we would still rely on foreign oil just Canada foreign not middle east
1.The hospitals are still there, they don't close because there is no Obama, everyone still has "Healthcare" doctors have what's called duty of care, they have to perform life saving acts whether you can pay or not 2.The pipeline don't go on their land they got nothing to say, reservations are basically sovereign territories 3.Trump loves the military, he loves veterans, they're going to get far better treatment than any since World War 2
The hospitals are there yet people don't have their "replacement healthcare act" like Trump promised The pipeline requires the digging up of and destruction of a Native Graveyard with is on their reservation and it's just like Alexander Hamilton causing the trail of tears He says he loves the vets yet his actions says otherwise
It's not that but it's the way he is doing it he said he would never use executive orders because they are unconstitutional yet he is on the track to issue more in 100 days then Obama did in 8 years (personally I dislike executive orders because a president doesn't require Congress to issue them)
What is Hijra? Hijrah is when large scale mass migrations become invasions. What is happening in parts of Europe right now, actually appears to be a hijrah as the Quran describes it. This is NOT going to end well. Because it appears the policies of the liberal socialist leaders in Europe and the US do not want to keep their lands from being overrun. Why? I couldn't figure out why other Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, etc.) weren't taking in refugees, so I started digging. Hijrah is jihad by emigration. It means moving to a new land in order to bring Islam there and is considered in Islam to be a holy and revered action. "And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance, and whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah." Surah 4:100.
I haven't had a cold in over 15 years, the key to being healthy is not listening to doctors, and not taking their drugs or diseases they claim are vaccines, "just say no" The trick is finding food that hasn't been genetically modified to have no nutrition, the war on drugs is a war on vitamins, if you eat and are still hungry you haven't got the nutrition your body is craving, and 2 more plates of the same stuff won't do it either No one "needs" government involved in their health, the FDA actually claims radiation is good for you, everything big pharma is going to give you comes from nature, with added mountain of side effects and in the long term will cause much more problems, There is no profit in cures, it's a much more profitable business model to treat only the symptoms and not the causes, that way you keep coming back for more pills, it's not rocket science it's just good business Veterinarians have made far more advances in care then doctors, there hasn't been a medical breakthrough in probably 100 years (since polio vaccine) As an example fibromyalgia, oh doctor the pain the cronic pain all over, let's take more opium pain killers every 4 hours so we don't feel the pain and develope an addiction Instead tell a veterinarian your goat has "stiff lambs disease", he will tell you give it vitamin E and 2 other things which I can't name off the top of my head, point is it's been cured and no one is giving opium to lamb If you allow anyone to decide when you are sick then charge you for health, you have 3rd world problems, just move in to the hospital and live there permanently It's not a fraud until you catch them, because of an ancient and long held saying that's supported by thousands of years of court opinions, called a "maxim of law" "let he who would be deceived, be deceived" That means if your so dumb you don't know, it would be more harmful to tell you the truth, You might shoot up a hospital if you find out that there is ground up glass in aspirin Just quit being dependent on the benefits and privileges of almighty big government god, take care of yourself, and let the sheep get eat by the wolves