Legal United States citizens have to get a passport to go to a different country am I right or wrong. If we do go to another country without the proper paperwork there are consequences true or false.
HAHA agriculture employment programs have been made that guaranteed US citizens a job as a picker. The reason those programs failed is because after a couple hours most ppl quit due to the physical exhaustion. I think one of those programs was actually called "Please Take Our Jobs" or something like that. Illegal immigrants were literally giving up their jobs and were getting a hell of a laugh out of watching Americans try and pick their own food. There are literally thousands of illegal immigrants working in California's fields ( i grew up around it) yet i have never seen ICE stop and pick people up. If they were to start doing that your republican brethren would be at state official's throats clammering about how their money is literally rotting away in the fields. You say employ Americans to work the fields? I hope you will enjoy the tremendous increase in prices of all food goods. Land owners would have to pay more for their labor which would increase the prices of the goods they are selling. The United States needs immigrant labor to maintain a stable infrastructure. If you were to take that labor force away the entire US would feel it's effects. People wouldget really mad at the guy who kicked the farm workers out of the country when they can't buy food at the super market because it's still in the fields.
If your so upset that my parents came illegally I'll let you know that all their brothers and sisters also managed to enter the united States illegally. My mom has 11 siblings and my dad has 13. And they all have 3+ kids. Yaaaayyyyy for the 60+ amazing children they made
Yes ICE is slacking they will do their jobs when trump is in office. Yes unfortunately all of you made it in. No more when there is a wall between us and y'all. What I have stated is all true. You won't even acknowledge it so that says that I state the truth. Your getting butthurt cause I said you shouldn't be here because your parents came here illegally. All the people here legally are TRUE AMERICANS
Please don't support me, trump supporters are idiots so your support makes it look like a stupid thing.
It's too late, were all legal due to our birthright. Even my dad and some of his brothers are citizens now lol oh and by the way, I'm going to my university for free due to my economic standing, and it's all american tax money. Of course i earned it due to my grades but that won't matter to you because all you see me doing is succeeding in a world designed to disenfranchise and discredit minorities. So I will now say thank you. Thank you for contributing to this Mexicans education with your hard earned dollars that were then torn from your greedy hands by your own government, and subsequently placed in mine for my personal use.
So what investment do you have in this conversation? (Serious question, i don't mean it in a rude way)
Why not? Many people keep up with world affairs. I know many Americans who followed the British election, and many Americans keep up with what's going on in British politics right now with Jeremy Corbyn.
And from your external point of view you see my position as wrong? Could you elaborate as to how it is wrong? Im always willing to participate in a reasonable conversation. King is obviously not who i will have that with seeing ashow he told me i have no right to an opinion.
Unfortunately that is true. I never stated I didn't like minorities. What I have talked about was illegal people
Because technically you are illegal that is why. You only have citizenship because you were born on US soil
Don't know why hes so proud that his parents made used of a loophole in the system so he could become a "citizen".