Ireland didn't join WWII because they hated the Brits and the Brits hated them. The Irish had just fought for their independence, suffering thousands of deaths by the hands of the British (and vice-versa) so they had no intention of helping their forner oppressors.
While there was some people who had a hatred for Britain and supported H (The IRA) that is not the main reason they didn't join the war. Ireland was a new country, they did not have the military capabilities or the economy to join the war. They wouldn't of been able to survive the bombings. How can you claim Ireland was a supporter of H when they sent fire engines to British territory to put out fires caused by German bombings, opened up the air corridor for allied planes, sent British pilots who crashed back to Britain but arrested German pilots and worked heavily with British intelligence to help locate U-boats.
Re: Trump - Republican Canidate? And all of that is false, perpetuated by people that cant read beyond thier piöitical correctness
I would say Canada is America's closest ally. I'd rank UK as #2 to the U.S., and soon to be overtaken by France. I've got the impression that people from the UK tend to dislike Americans and/or talk crap America/Americans.
Re: Trump - Republican Canidate? this ..exactly this. He can show that he's ahead when you poll republicans but seriously people, there's no way he can win a general election (lol ..he wldnt even take a majority of registered republicans), and even that doesn't matter since the general election is basically a sham.
Re: Trump - Republican Canidate? Ya bc "educated" people have done such a bang up job as of late with the country and putting people in office....Lets continue with the current trend and see where we are in 10 years
lol I never said anything good about any leader we've had lately, but Trump would be a new low. It would basically be the end if he was actually elected but like I said earlier, it's not going to happen, no matter what the media hype is.
No I'm just responding to the educated people reamrk that's been made by you and several others....That remark is ignorant in itself....Rich/educated people are why the country is in the horrid shape its declining into now..Greedy politicians and lobbyists are all well educated I'd imagine, hell trump is very well "educated" I'm guessing....and yes he would make a terrible president So what's with these "the educated won't vote for him" comments? 10 to 1 anyday ill take a leader brought up from the working class and voted in by the working class over another slimy greedy "educated" career politician that's become the norm...
When did I say anything but educated people I was agreeing with fluffs about the electoral college. Electoral college is what elects the president. The general election is nearly meaningless. Whether they're dumb smart rich or poor I seriously doubt Trump wins the electoral college ...I don't think you understand what I was saying about the general election being a sham and how the electoral college actually works. I just reread your post lol don't get it
Sorry bro read up...that was a quote on fluffles..not you...but the comment about trump supporters being ignorant and educated real voters not voting for him has been made countless times in this thread and I was firing on them .. Educated dosnt mean jack when it comes to leadership...what does it matter how many college degrees you have if your a corrupt souless p.o.c like most politicians these days... yes they can't be a drooling idiot but the most important qualities in a leader are simple ..they need to have common sense, a good heart, put the people that they serve first, and listen to the right people for advice, not whoever payed them the most
Omg read what I said....had nothing to do with trump..only trump comment I made ya he would be a terrible president
lolol you still don't understand what I'm saying ...the general election that we as citizens vote in DOES NOT DETERMINE WHO THE NEXT PRESIDENT IS, therefore your vote my vote your neighbors vote DOES NOT ACTUALLY MEAN ANYTHING ( I know it's mind blowing but I swear it's the truth lolol) THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE determines who the next president is ....look it up
Was just saying I'd take a working class guy as a leader anyday over some rich spoiled slob who mommy and daddy bought an "education" And no trump is not that guy lol
No I understand 100% what your saying and how the voting process works...your not unserstanding me argument is not with you, I simply misquoted u ..was trying to get fluffles comment in argument was against all these "uneducated" comments that are being made, people implying that its the uneducated voting for trump and somehow that the educated would pick better
What I don't understand is ...Trumps filthy rich right? He can't come up with something better then that forward come over?!? lol. He can't afford Hair Club for men ..some hair transplant or something? Seriously
Maybe but the department of state seems to disagree. 'The United States has no closer ally than the United Kingdom'
If he becomes president I'm burning my passport and denying being murican. What an embarrassment lol! Totally meant to be offensive to those morons voting for him by the way.