I almost want Hillary over him. Almost. But he shouldn't be on the ballot, anyone who is willing to break the constitution is not fit for President.
You should start a war thread and I can educate you. Yes the US was more concerned about selling war goods to Uncle Adolph Ford and IMB at the top of the list but you are wrong about Vietnam. Vietnam had nothing to do with the conflict. It was merely the chess board Russia and China were taught that after a Nuclear war America would still kick their ass. Vietnam was the end of the cold war. The men and women in that war saved the world and took a beating doing it.
Bernie Sanders is suing the DNC in federal court, and threatening to run third party. Trump is threatening to run third party. This could be a 4 way election cycle.
Presidents break the constitution all the time. How is obamacare constitutional? If I don't sign up for your government mandated insurance program I have to pay a fine to the government at end of year?
Bernie Sanders base will not vote for Hillary. She lost millions of votes this week. They hate her more than Trump. Most will likely not vote if they can't vote for Sanders.
Lol good point...feels like choosing between the lesser of evils these days....Was trying to get behind cruz till he blantantly lied twice in the debate. .They all suck. Screw it may as well vote trump, atleast he payed for his own campaign so he's not beholden to lobbyists
Trump is a progressive. Don't be fooled by his anti-immigration rhetoric he is no conservative. Liberals have been upset by globalization for years and loss of jobs for years. MSM narratives and paid trolls are out of touch with reality. The paid activist may get headlines, but they only bring in so many votes. I heard a lot of the same things coming out of the Sanders camp that I've heard from so called Trump supporters. It just is articulated in a different manner minus the anti-Hispanic/Latino aspect. It's all in the music for the last 5 years if you know what to listen too.
This is how it is. Hillary on the Jan 20th Revolution on the 21st 2017. The day after inauguration. At least that is what the writing on the bathroom walls is saying. Trump has a lot of militia support right now so it's uncertain if the same will apply, but the GOP probably don't want 4 years of Trump. So the libertarian influence will check any armed resistance from crazed militia types. Barack Obama hates the Clinton's, and the GOP hates Trump I don't see it going good either way. Americans of all types have been telling everyone for years now that they need to be able to protect themselves. The people don't want that responsibility in a ungrateful world just to be ridiculed by loser nations like Canada and UK. Which are no threat to anyone with out US support. You will take immigrants and your people will blend and mix until they are no longer recognizable as the people they were. It really doesn't really matter what anyone thinks of it. Clinton or Trump won't have leadership role in this world. America is for whites, blacks, latinos and hispanics. The only minority that will be empowered beyond their population will be the Native American. Clinton will murder, Trump will murder. That is a given.
Hillary is leading in polls. Trump is only leading in the Republican party. Hillary is useless though. Trump would start a war. I'd prefer an ineffective woman President over Trump. People hate America enough without him.
We are at war. Hillary should be in jail. Trump will put her there. Hillary is a lieing back stabbing dem. Trump hasn't lied yet. Let's make America great again. Vote Trump
At war with whom ? Trump hasn't lied ? Well there's that whole doctors note thing the not drinking part mainly. As for senator Clinton she's not a good alternative she would be caught with a gridlocked congress to much drama and bad history.
Loser countries like Canada and UK! I'll put Canada's ethical support and fight against any country. For 10 years Canada was in the Front Lines of Afgan, while the US added a couple hundred thousand dead to Iraq and drove around in the rear. Canada turned back a flight of Russian BackFire Bombers entering our air space with a flight of CF18's. Then sent HMCS Toronto alone onto the Black Sea to protest the hostility to their neighbors. In WWII Canada penetrated Europe first and deepest, ask the Dutch. Canada stood with British Troops in China while The US sold war goods to our enemies. IBM counted every Jew in Europe counted every sortie against England. Was the British who helped us defend Canada in the war of 1812. During the battle of York Canadian Militia blew the Armory killing every US marine in the battle. We burnt the White House down. And so it goes. No Hollywood movies to twist history. Canada remains a part of the Empire. When the Princes or the Queen visit they are still our Monarchs and the heads of the Executive Law of Canada. Down south we have these incredible wonder friends and allies. It's the oldest longest undefended boarder in the history of man. Most financially stable country in the G20 and Bill of Rights and Freedom which far exceed and countries act or charter. And we have better beer, maple syrup, rosy cheeks, and warm hearts. During 911 we scrambled help to New York and landed hundreds of planes and put Americans up in our homes. We've nothing to apologize for.
Actually that's not true either. The majority of the fighting on the western front was done by American forces there was a roughly 45/45/10 split on D-Day but by the invasion of Germany the majority of forces fighting on the western front were American. However there were still more Russians troops fighting and dying then the other allies combined. Britain didn't stop Germany the English Channel stopped the Wehrmacht. The only effective armoured formations in the uk were Canadian during that summer.
Dday had nothing to do with halting Germany so irrelevant point. The English Channel obviously had a big part of stopping Germany but the RAF had to beat the Luftwaffe or they would of pushed into Britain and Ireland, at which point America would of had no hope of being able to liberate Europe.
Been reading through this, seems V been making derogatory comments about the U.S. the entire thread... And what country that is still free bc of the United states are you from good sir? The US is corrupt and has plenty of moments to not be proud of but make no mistake it is us that has lead the way for a good many years now in keeping the wolves at bay, wolves being the russians, chinese, iranians, etc. The countries that would love nothing more than to bully and dominate the west. So maybe offer us your prayers and support that.our great nation does not continue on this path of decline.I hate to imagine a world where the U.S. is no longer relevant. England France austrailia, wherever your from, were all in the same kettle. If we fail the world will decend into chaos, russia will begin invading neighbors right and left, as will iran. Muslim extremist groups will pop up everywhere, god knows what china would do, N korea will invade south. You all get my drift. It sounds cheesy but good vs evil does exist, we may seem like the evil sometimes but I have no doubt the alternative is worse for everyone.