?? I'm 3rd generation of legal immigrants from 1910 that went through the hoops to become citizens of the United States to live a better life. Can you say the same?
I am not American at all and have no desire to be, America is a country that's in decline and is a far worse place to live than where I currently am. You are right about one thing, the vast majority of Americans don't care what other countries think because they are so uneducated they don't release they depend on these countries.
Are you really one of these idiots that believe America are responsible for the liberation of Europe? They played a part in it but their importance in it was much smaller than that of Russia and Britain.
We don't depend on any country. All countries depend on our markets, our world decisions, our military. When your county contributions match ours then maybe we will care about your countries opinions how to lead the world.
Pfft your country is a sheep in wolves clothing. America backs down to Russia at nearly every stand off. when the British parliament voted against airstrikes in Syria back in 2013 the mighty Americans that rely on nobody suddenly chickened out of the idea.
Britain would be under German rule if it wasn't for US. Russia's winter stopped Germany. Wrong oil weight in the German tanks. You assume that our role was small, that just proves our point that NOBODY over seas deserved our help.
By the time America joined the war the Battle of Britain was won and Germany didn't stand a chance of ever crossing the channel to invade England. Yes, the Russian winter was a large reason for stopping a German advance but the Russian winter didn't push the German army back to Berlin did it?
When will you realize that Obama is a racist? That won't help any predominantly white nations throughout the world. Who is he helping? Brokered a deal with Iran while they still hold American prisoners.
I bet you think America didn't lose Vietnam? Or 1812? You are one of these Americans that will call all American defeats a draw right?
The retreat was from the winter. Shovels and rakes didn't push the Germans anywhere. H wanted to focus elsewhere. The war wasn't won in Russia.
H wanted to focus elsewhere so let the Russians advance into Berlin๎๎๎๎ my god that is one I haven't heard before
Wtf? I bet you're one of those Brits that think they can solve all the world problems because your queen says so
Govts don't win wars, and we are taught that Britain stopped Germany on the western front and that the Russians dealt the Germans the biggest blow. Sorry to tell you but most countries tell history the way it actually happened, something america doesn't seem to do.